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Found a Broken Ipad

Maybe this person had AppleCare? I can't imagine they replace iPads that were thrown out the window for free. iPads deserve to be handled with the same grace as a mother would hold her child!
pettyfan93 said:
Yeah they made it sound like it would be free of charge, but it stinks that they refuse contact the owner.

Good for you, youll have a n instant ipad for free. Hehe
Apple is keeping the owners name private which they should do,who knows the owner may have insurance on the iPad. You did the right thing,play it forward.

Aye, good for you. I bet the owner will never know because they would never expect anyone to do what you did. It would be a pretty awesome world if everyone acted like you did.
Veritas4420 said:
I hope the original owner tries to contact apple, I can't imagine what I would do if I lost my iPad.

I'd probably curl up into a fetal position in a corner, sucking my thumb, crying...

Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
I doubt I would think to contact Apple if I lost it. Knowing what I know now I might but wouldn't have before reading this. I don't think its Apple's place to contact owner though it might be a good thing if they would include in the manual that its possible to trace it and connect lost Ipad and owner. There's a very expensive camera mfg who does try to connect owner/lost camera but its a smaller niche company but others wouldn't I'm sure even though we register serial numbers.
Diane B said:
I doubt I would think to contact Apple if I lost it. Knowing what I know now I might but wouldn't have before reading this. I don't think its Apple's place to contact owner though it might be a good thing if they would include in the manual that its possible to trace it and connect lost Ipad and owner. There's a very expensive camera mfg who does try to connect owner/lost camera but its a smaller niche company but others wouldn't I'm sure even though we register serial numbers.

Yeah. Same here, but only because I have it fully insured by Worth Ave Group for a litany of situations. But it's good to know Apple just might replace it, so I'll have to keep that in mind now.

Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
Lol it's not free! The will take it back and salvage what they can if the owner dosent come to get it they will have to pay either way only way it would be free is if it was apples fault! don't get all "apple so great" lol they are all about the bottom line. They will not seek out the individual. Can pics be posted up?
Mtnmedic said:
I'd probably curl up into a fetal position in a corner, sucking my thumb, crying...

Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF

Ha! Ha! I would probably do the exact same thing and go into depression spiral. I'd be lost without my iPad!
Me too after almost a year with it. I've sidelined my laptop and mainly use my main desktop for photo processing. I've found apps, workarounds, etc with Dropbox etc. to do most everything. Being a photographer I do not want to process on a tablet but do still load everything and process some jpegs for quick uploads, easy slideshows with Reeldirector and more but I would be really lost without my Ipad. A close friend went to our coast this weekend and her last words were "What did we do before we got our Ipads" LOL. I agree (we lugged our laptops).
Diane B said:
Me too after almost a year with it. I've sidelined my laptop and mainly use my main desktop for photo processing. I've found apps, workarounds, etc with Dropbox etc. to do most everything. Being a photographer I do not want to process on a tablet but do still load everything and process some jpegs for quick uploads, easy slideshows with Reeldirector and more but I would be really lost without my Ipad. A close friend went to our coast this weekend and her last words were "What did we do before we got our Ipads" LOL. I agree (we lugged our laptops).

This year really is the year of the ipad. Barely used my desktop comp as well, just use it to update my files in dropbox.
To add to SweetPoison's post, why not be a good citizen and return it to the Apple Store and tell them how you found it? Probably it fell out of someone's car or a kid threw it out a car window (ouch!). But as SweetPoison said, each iPad has a unique serial number electronically encoded into it so Apple will know whose iPad it is and will be able to contact them and tell them that their iPad has been found. Just think how grateful the owner will be and how good you'll feel for doing such a noble deed.


Props Tim,

Your a good man. I am the say way. As an officer I have learned what goes around comes around.

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