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FREE IBook in IBook Store (MetaGame)

I heard MetaGame is currently #1 in sci-fi/fantasy for free iBooks! I can't actually confirm this because I don't have an IPad, but hey, I'm a sci-fi/fantasy writer so I'll believe what I want.

I imagine this forum has something to do with that ranking. Thanks! :)


It looks like your book is great...thanks :)

Thanks marcelomelo! Feedback welcome. :)

kudos to the author that gives us this FREE, i am not much of a book reader, my wife is up late every night reading books of all kinds, i am trying to show her the many features of the ipad, and i think she will go for this book on the ipad, then maybe she wont think i spend too much money on my toys, by the way, i am a retired newspaper man, so instead of books i am constantly on this thing reading nyt and usa today and my local online paper, a great product for trying to watch tv and surf the web during ads, smile

Your welcome!

Ya, I heard the iPad is going to be the messiah of the newspaper and magazine industry. I hope it is.

I noticed a big bump in the number of ratings on MetaGame. Can someone please tell me what rank the book is on the ibook store, both for sci-fi and, if applicable, overall? :D

I don't have an iPad to check myself.

I found this site witch seems very good to me, by becoming a member there we can download e-books and comics in unlimited supply.
Heres the link www.*******************

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