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Limited Time Free Books

Homesteading: Your Guide to Self Sustainability, Growing Food, and Getting Off the Grid (Homesteading Basics - An Essential Guide to Creating Your Own Homestead for Sustainability and Self Reliance)
You Save: $2.99 (100%)
Homesteading isn’t just a pipe dream anymore! Join the millions of people across the world who are getting off the grid and building a sustainable lifestyle by forging their own sustainable and thriving homestead. You will learn about Gardening, Homesteading myths, zoning, composting, nutrition basics, healthcare, and much more!
Amazon.com: Homesteading: Your Guide to Self Sustainability, Growing Food, and Getting Off the Grid (Homesteading Basics - An Essential Guide to Creating Your Own Homestead for Sustainability and Self Reliance) eBook: Prescott Marshall: Kindle Store

The Complete Guide on Knitting for Beginners: With Step by Step Instructions with Detailed Pictures to teach you the perfect foundation of Knitting (Knitting Patterns, Crochet, Yarn)
You Save: $2.99 (100%)
This book is a complete guide on how to learn the art of Knitting with attractive images and simple instructions. The Pictures are clear and easy to see. There will be no second guessing on the proper way on how to Knit.
Maybe you do not know, but Knitting is one of the most sophisticated forms of craftsmanship and artwork for hundreds of years all over the world. If you are here to learn it, then treat yourself as a real artist and an aft worker.
Amazon.com: The Complete Guide on Knitting for Beginners: With Step by Step Instructions with Detailed Pictures to teach you the perfect foundation of Knitting (Knitting Patterns, Crochet, Yarn) eBook: Kathy Wilston: Kindle Store

Tea Recipes: Healthy Boosting Tea Recipes From Sweet Teas, Chai Teas, Creamy Teas To Fruit Flavored Infusions-Learn Why Tea Is So Healthy For You And How ... Herbal Tea Remedies, Herbal Healing)
You Save: $0.99 (100%)
Tea is already one of the best things you can drink—its antioxidant compounds have been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer and heart disease, and they may even help with weight management. And when you mix your brew with other beneficial ingredients, you'll boost its power to tackle health complaints from high blood pressure to an upset stomach. How's that for sweet?
Amazon.com: Tea Recipes: Healthy Boosting Tea Recipes From Sweet Teas, Chai Teas, Creamy Teas To Fruit Flavored Infusions-Learn Why Tea Is So Healthy For You And How ... Herbal Tea Remedies, Herbal Healing) eBook: Caroline Barton: Kindle Store

Survival Pantry: The Beginners Guide To Food Storage, Canning, Preserving And Surviving (The Prepper's Guide To Food Storage, Water Storage, Canning And Preserving)
You Save: $0.99 (100%)
Preppers are prepared for any sort of disaster from common natural disasters to large scale apocalyptic events. Having and utilizing the information in this book could mean the difference between life and death. Whether or not you're prepared is up to you!
Amazon.com: Survival Pantry: The Beginners Guide To Food Storage, Canning, Preserving And Surviving (The Prepper's Guide To Food Storage, Water Storage, Canning And Preserving) eBook: Julianne P.: Kindle Store

Debt Free: A Clear and Simple Guide To Becoming Debt Free Forever
You Save: $2.99 (100%)
You're about to discover a proven strategy on how to become debt free for the rest of your life. Many people suffer from the negative effects of debt like loss of financial freedom, loss of family harmony, and even loss of life. Most of them are fully aware that this is a serious problem, but they are unable to change their situation simply because they've gotten used to living with this reality for so long.
Fortunately, you can break from the bondage of debts and start living a debt-free life! This book features a step-by-step strategy that will help you free yourself from debt and help you take control of your finances and your life.

Sugar Free Favorites - On The Go Cookbook: Sugar Free recipes cookbook for your everyday Sugar Free cooking
You Save: $12.99 (100%)
Welcome to the Sugar Free favorites series. Discover the dairy-free, grain-free sugar free recipes that are sure to satisfy your everyday healthy cooking needs!
We all have our favorite sweets. We are actually physiologically wired to love sugar. It is the simplest form of fuel for our bodies to process. Unfortunately, removing sugar from its natural sources like corn or sugar cane and concentrating it, has resulted in a surplus of sugar in many food products. If you have noticed health problems and are looking for some ideas on ways you can control the amount of sugar you and your family are consuming, this book is for you!
Keep an eye out for all the other titles!
Amazon.com: Sugar Free Favorites - On The Go Cookbook: Sugar Free recipes cookbook for your everyday Sugar Free cooking eBook: SUGAR FREE FAVORITES: Kindle Store

Famous Men of Rome
You Save: $3.96 (100%)
Famous Men of Rome is series of concise biographies of famous Romans, targeted towards a high school and college audience.
Heraklion Press has included a linked table of contents for easy navigation.
Amazon.com: Famous Men of Rome eBook: John Haaren: Kindle Store

Carb Cycling: Weight Loss has Never Been Easier! Cycle Carbs to Melt Away Stubborn Fat (Carb Cycling Diet - The Secrets Behind the Diet Everyone is Talking About)
You Save: $2.99 (100%)
The truth is Carb Cycling is all the talk in the health and fitness community lately. The reason is simple - It just works! However, there is a lot of misinformation out there and flat out confusion on how to cycle carbs to lose weight and drop stubborn body fat. You are about to get a behind the scenes, NO B.S. guide on Carb Cycling. It will teach you the tricks of the trade and show you a proven step-by-step way to reach your weight loss goals.
Carb Cycling: Weight Loss has Never Been Easier! Cycle Carbs to Melt Away Stubborn Fat (Carb Cycling Diet - The Secrets Behind the Diet Everyone is Talking About) - Kindle edition by Sampson Sharpe. Health, Fitness & Dieting Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.co

Debt Free For Good: An Easy Strategy To Help You Recover From Debt, Reduce Stress & Simplify Your Life
You Save: $3.99 (100%)
Debt, for some, is a constant source of anxiety and stress, for others it has simply become so prevalent in their lives that they cannot even imagine themselves not having it.
The word debt has such a negative connotation that many of us can’t imagine there being such a thing as good debt.
This book has been designed to provide you with the information you need to help you get out of the constraints of debt and living freely again. So wait no more, it’s about time that you stop allowing your debt to control you, it’s time for you to take over the reins and learn how to become debt free for good.
Amazon.com: Debt Free For Good: An Easy Strategy To Help You Recover From Debt, Reduce Stress & Simplify Your Life eBook: Prof Warren Smith: Kindle Store

How I Retired on $1000 Per Month: Special Report (Beach Front Living)
You Save: $2.99 (100%)
It takes a little planning, information and determination. You can live well on less when you change your retirement destination to Mexico, Costa Rica, Belize, Venezuela, Uruguay, Honduras or Guatemala. Hot running water, Internet, maid service, telephone service and all the comforts of modern America, Canada or Europe. Learn how expats from all over the world, live well on less. You will learn what I did and what to expect. How to find the best places to rent for the lowest rent, and the key components for being happy in retirement.
Amazon.com: How I Retired on $1000 Per Month: Special Report (Beach Front Living) eBook: Anne Brown: Kindle Store
Hello Leelai, It was a lot more than $64 a couple years ago, perhaps $200 then ;). The apps, thankfully, seemed to be in more reasonable prices, but we probably spent as much for apps and accessories as we spent for the iPads. Isn't it true. So, in a hurry to share, plus old eyes, plus early hours, plus . . . more excuses . . ., I made the mistake posting at wrong place. This is not the first time, and certainly not the last, but I'll be more careful next time :)

Lol! Wow! More than $200! that is amazing.....I wonder how much it would have been for us then?? Maybe they didn't have in app purchases with it back then, who knows but gees it's such a lot for an app. Although software prices are high too....I guess we get used to much lower prices for apps!

Yes, apps sure do add up! I'm just glad they allow you to share them within a family.

Thanks, I'm downloading it now. Maybe I'll finally learn to play the guitar. Leelai, the house down the block from me is for sale. You can move to Canada and save on apps.;)

I downloaded it also......on the off chance I may just want to take it up....but hubby has spoken about it over the years, so I grabbed it!

Lol.....move to Canada! Wow! Although from what I hear it's just such a beautiful place to live, we'd be neighbours! ;)

but it don't think I'd like your winters! ;)
Work Smarter: 350+ Online Resources Today's Top Entrepreneurs Use To Increase Productivity and Achieve Their Goals
You Save: $0.99 (100%)
Ever Wonder How Some People Get So Much Done?
You know the type: the super-productive, super-on-top-of-things, super-successful people you read about online or hear about on the news. How do they do it?
Amazon.com: Work Smarter: 350+ Online Resources Today's Top Entrepreneurs Use To Increase Productivity and Achieve Their Goals eBook: Nick Loper: Kindle Store

Hearts in Motion (Rescued Hearts)
You Save: $10.99 (100%)
Animal lover Abby Pimm isn't looking for love. With two rescue cats, one rescue dog, a struggling business, and her fourteen-year-old sister to raise, she's got her hands full. What she needs is an angel - though she'll settle for the devil if he'll invest in her fledgling company and keep it afloat.
Hearts in Motion (Rescued Hearts) - Kindle edition by Edie Ramer. Romance Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.

Gluten Free: The Beginner's Guide to Living the Gluten-Free Lifestyle Today (Gluten-Free Baking Classics, Gluten-Free Recipes, Gluten-Free Sugar-Free Dairy-Free, ... Gluten-Free Cooking, Gluten-Free Snacks)
You Save: $2.99 (100%)
Learn how to become a truly, healthy individual away from the perils of the deleterious effects of gluten in the body. People have practically become addicted to gluten, a constituent of wheat, barley, and rye, that they don’t even know how harmful and dangerous it is to the body. Some may even be unaware how gluten has inflicted damage to their intestines and many parts of the body. But you know what, there is a solution.
Amazon.com: Gluten Free: The Beginner's Guide to Living the Gluten-Free Lifestyle Today (Gluten-Free Baking Classics, Gluten-Free Recipes, Gluten-Free Sugar-Free Dairy-Free, ... Gluten-Free Cooking, Gluten-Free Snacks) eBook: Sarah Hampton: Kindl

Mediterranean Diet: A Beginner's Guide to the Mediterranean Diet with 30 Easy to Follow Recipes (Mediterranean diet, meal plan, recipe book, beginner's ... mediterranean recipes, mediterranean foods)
You Save: $2.99 (100%)
DIET. The word itself just looks ugly, and it often conjures images of nasty food, frustrating battles in trying to lose weight, and an endless cycle of quitting and restarting. Did you know that there are foods that allow you to have a full plate and still reap health benefits? This book will tell you all about different dishes from the Mediterranean region that will make dieting delicious and effective.

Wine Making 101: The Ultimate Guide to Making Delicious Wine at Home
You Save: $0.99 (100%)
A look into the history of wine and winemaking
The different types of wines
An explanation of the fruits used for making wine
Equipment required for making your own wine
Basic procedures
How to make red wine
How to make white wine
Much, much more!

Building a New House: The entire process of How to Build a Home with tips and advice from Two Licensed Architects (Mother & Daughter) to ensure your project goes smoothly and ends up a Total Success!
You Save: $0.99 (100%)
You’re about to discover how to successfully navigate the planning, design, permitting, bidding, contract-signing, and construction process. This book was written by TWO Licensed Architects, who just happen to be Mother and Daughter, with years of experience in Residential Construction on opposite sides of the Country. We will demystify the entire process, and help you avoid common mistakes that can cost big bucks during construction.
Amazon.com: Building a New House: The entire process of How to Build a Home with tips and advice from Two Licensed Architects (Mother & Daughter) to ensure your project goes smoothly and ends up a Total Success! eBook: Two Licensed Architects (Mother

At this moment: Live in the Moment, let the past behind and stop worrying about the future
You Save: $2.99 (100%)
Being present is the only way to enjoy life to the fullest. Most of us spend a lot of time either mulling over the past or worrying about the future. This book will help you discipline your mind by practicing mindfulness. You will learn how to truly experience the essence of daily living and find peace in situations that used to be filled with stress. This little book is filled with positive affirmations. It's a guide to putting aside your anxieties about the future and regrets about the past.
Amazon.com: At this moment: Live in the Moment, let the past behind and stop worrying about the future eBook: Awakening ebooks: Kindle Store

The Ship to Shawano
You Save: $4.99 (100%)
By June 6, 1944, much of the world had been engaged in a war that was now nearly five years old. For Markus Goethe, a 17-year old German soldier, the Allied landing in France brought a painful end to his fighting days. Oddly enough, the real test of will and perseverance will come after his capture and transport to the United States. While some things will remain the same, others are vastly different, and the overriding desire is to get back home.
Amazon.com: The Ship to Shawano eBook: M.W. Tyrrell: Kindle Store

How To Make Money Online with Little Effort.: Internet marketing made simple (Internet marketing: 101
You Save: $3.99 (100%)
This book lays out simply and clearly what it really takes to make money online on the internet. Making money online starts with creating value to your website visitors. Once you've given value you may then start building your list which will give you the opportunity to market special offers and promotions to your list.
Amazon.com: How To Make Money Online with Little Effort.: Internet marketing made simple (Internet marketing: 101) eBook: dee udoh: Kindle Store
Some great books in this list mydave!

I've been wondering about the Mediterranean Diet myself....so that's great to look through!

Thank you!!
Glad that there was something you like. Actually I was browsing thru Novak Djokovic’s Gluten Free diet Novak Djokovic?s credits his success to a diet of mostly warm foods | News.com.au so I went back Amazon trying to find something about the subject. He drinks a glass of warm water when he wakes up, I drink a big cup of hot coffee, what different :)

I know others who drink warm water and swear by it....it kind of makes sense! Coffee sounds the same to me though! I don't drink either! :)

I was actually after the Gluten free book....I have a niece who is celiac....it's already gone up though! Win some, lose some! ;)
I was making a post yesterday, and BAMM ! the forum went off line. WOW, what a relief, it wasn't me :).
Congratulations to the forum's staff. Someone must have been working all night long. Great works.

More good books. . . hmm . . . some are so expensive . . .

Memorable Quotes: From Top 50 Greatest Motivational Speakers of All Time
You Save: $89.99 (100%)
Memorable Quotes is a collection of the absolute best inspiring and motivational quotes that have had a massive and empowering impact on millions of people’s lives around the world. The quotes have been collected from a wide variety of sources – magazines, books, newspapers, movies, and the internet – anywhere we found a thought acutely and beautifully expressed.
The quotes give you the extra push you need to achieve all the success life has to offer. They will inspire you to change your perspective on life and think in a new and exciting way, so that each adversity becomes a test of your mind and spirit. This book is a must-have for all who are looking for the motivation to improve the quality of their lives.
Read what the greatest people in the history have to say and enjoy it!

The Positive Thinking Secret
You Save: $14.95 (100%)
"All things have purpose, and I will find the good in everything that shows up in my life" - Aaron Kennard
What would it be like to stop feeling blindsided by life?
To wake up feeling thrilled to be alive regardless of your circumstances?
To feel happy and at peace even when all hell is breaking loose around you?

8 Reasons Your Life Matters
You Save: $5.95 (100%)
"If I were to disappear, would anybody notice?"
Each of us has asked that question in dark, honest moments.
In his first nonfiction book, 8 REASONS YOUR LIFE MATTERS, bestselling author John Herrick combines personal struggles with biblical insight. Injecting eight chapters with humor, memoir moments, and a postmodern perspective on life, Herrick shares eight reasons your life matters:
Your Life is More Permanent than Your Struggles
God Sees You Differently than You See Yourself

A Motivational Masterclass: Life Changing Quotes
You Save: $7.99 (100%)
An ever evolving and growing book of hundreds of inspirational and motivational quotes that is sure to empower you on life’s journey. Full of quotes from mind power expert and author of over 80 titles, Stephen Richards shares some of his own favorite quotes on wealth creation success, spirituality, law of attraction, relationships and more.
This motivational masterclass by foremost mind power authority Stephen Richards will be constantly added to and updated.
Here now you can get many of the mind power maestro’s quotes in one place, and with full permission to use extracts.
“You are essentially who you create yourself to be and all that occurs in your life is the result of your own making.”

Interviews with the Masters: A Companion to Robert Greene's Mastery
You Save: $12.99 (100%)
A companion to the #1 New York Times Bestseller Mastery
More than 20,000 hours of research and thought went into Robert Greene's stunning book, Mastery. In a departure from his previous works, Robert Greene interviewed nine contemporary masters, including tech guru Paul Graham, animal rights advocate Temple Grandin, and boxing trainer Freddie Roach, to get their perspective on their paths to greatness. Those interviews are now available to readers for the first time. Interviews with the Masters presents more than 700 pages of revealing insight directly from these contemporary Masters; from how they learn and think, to how they put it all together and create.

Happiness: How To Win The War In A Mental Minefield
You Save: $7.99 (100%)
No fluff, no nonsense, and no empty promises. Stop chasing happiness. Instead, build a strong foundation within yourself and happiness will come to you. A key component to happiness is strength. Life can get stormy and knock you down. The more you get knocked down the harder it is to get back up. When you build a strong foundation within yourself you remain standing in the face of adversity and hardship. When you are strong you don’t allow conditions to dictate your happiness.
With the knowledge contained in this book you can learn how to:
Bring happiness into your life
Let go of whatever is holding you back
Make peace with the past
Take a different approach to life
more . . .
Backyard Ponds for Beginners: A beautiful backyard addition in a single weekend!
Kindle Price: $0.00
You Save: $0.99 (100%)
The peaceful ambience that the sound of flowing water provides is something that many of us wish we could experience every day. Only requiring limited technical knowledge and physical labor, the average backyard pond is not a difficult feature to install. Read along as we walk through the necessary steps to construct your first backyard pond. Simple enough to be be done in a single weekend!
This book covers the following subjects: Pond type selection, Pond placement, Supplies, Preperation, Digging and lining, Pumps and waterfalls, Filters, Overflow control, Fish and plants, Chemical balance, Maintenance

THE COCO WONDER - True Miracle OF Coconut Oil Disclosed ( Coconut Oil Health Benefits, Coconut Oil and Fat burning, Coconut Oil Detox, Coconut Oil and Beauty Care, Coconut Oil Secrets )
Kindle Price: $0.00
You Save: $2.99 (100%)
For sixty years, coconut oil has been underappreciated and was given a false image by the so-called “experts.” But if you will look closely, findings about it using the most sophisticated technology of today suggests that coconut oil is far from being the culprit for obesity, diabetes, and other diseases to which it has been associated with. Note that coconut oil has just been banned in the United States. For the rest of the world, especially in the Pacific Islands where coconut trees are growing freely and no ban has been imposed, people remained healthy as ever.

COCONUT OIL Recipes: Top Secret Coconut Oil Recipes for Weight Loss, Detox, Allergy Relief, Beautiful Skin, Hair Loss, and More (Coconut Oil - The Revolutionary ... to Use this Miraculous Oil to Your Benefit)
Kindle Price: $0.00
You Save: $12.49 (100%)
Coconut oil is a healthy way to make your life better, and it has a great product that is both inexpensive and effective. You’ll find that it has many uses from helping with your oral hygiene, helping with your musical talents such as guitar cleaning, to beauty and health tips that will make you both look and feel better. No matter the reason for buying coconut oil, it certainly makes the cost worthwhile and pretty much pays for itself. All of the uses will leave you feeling pampered, taken care of, and happy.

The Amazing World Of Cats. A Children's Picture Book About Cats
Kindle Price: $0.00
You Save: $2.99 (100%)
A delightful picture book about the amazing world of cats. Domestic cats are the most popular household pet in the world. The pictures are sure to keep the attention of your child as they learn awesome facts about these loveable animals. Their amazing flexibility and quick reflexes are just a start. Your child will learn about the use of their ears, eyes, nose and whiskers, plus much more. Download your copy today and take part in their world!

Delightful Cakes: Tasty Cakes For Any Occasion
Kindle Price: $0.00
You Save: $2.99 (100%)
Cakes are given at birthdays. They are given at weddings. They are relevant at pretty much any celebration! Cakes are special! People use them to show others how much they mean to them. I want to help spread the goodness brought by cakes by providing you with recipes of some of my favorite cakes. The cakes that I believe are the ABSOLUTE best and hopefully you and those you share them with will think so also. So please enjoy and have fun!

Puppy Training Guide: A Proven and Powerful Guide to Training Your Puppy in Obedience, Potty Training and Much More
Kindle Price: $0.00
You Save: $2.99 (100%)
The Puppy Training Guide: A Proven and Powerful Guide to Training Your Puppy in Obedience, Potty Training and Much More tells you everything you could ever need to know about raising a puppy. We’ll be with you every step of the way, from establishing rules for your puppy to training him to obey your commands. We’ll even help you learn about caring for your puppy’s health and happiness!
Mary Magdalene: A Novel [Kindle Edition]
Kindle Price: $0.00, You Save: $14.99 (100%)
4.6 out of 5 stars (117 customer reviews)
One woman desperate for hope. One Savior with the power to heal.
A beautiful girl blossoming into womanhood, Mary has high hopes for a life filled with learning, family, and young love. In one dreadful night, all of that changes. The nightmares come first, then the waking visions of unspeakable terror, until Mary hardly remembers her dreams for the future.
Can the Most High deliver her from this torment? How long must she wait for healing?
This vivid portrait of the enigmatic Mary of Magdala comes to life in the hands of an imaginative master storyteller. Diana Wallis Taylor introduces you to a Mary who is both utterly original and respectful of the biblical account, opening your eyes to a redemption that knows no bounds.

Unmending the Veil
Kindle Price: $0.00, You Save: $14.99 (100%)
4.9 out of 5 stars (81 customer reviews)
Unmending the Veil implies that somehow the torn Temple veil has been mended. Stitch by stitch, Robin has closed her heart off to God. Years have passed since a nearly fatal attack by her husband, and still, she is paralyzed by fear and grief.
When faced with the command to forgive all things, will Robin be able to forgive the man who nearly killed her, forgive God for taking what mattered most, and forgive herself for her own attempt at murder?

Michal's Window (A Novel: King David's First Wife)
4.1 out of 5 stars (115 customer reviews)
Kindle Price: $0.00, You Save: $15.99 (100%)
A novel of betrayal, forbidden love, and redemption, Michal’s Window is an imaginative retelling of King David's story through the eyes of the woman who loved him first.

Preacher's Daughter, The (Annie's People Book #1) (Annie's People)
4.5 out of 5 stars (82 customer reviews)
Kindle Price: $0.00, You Save: $14.99 (100%)
Annie's People Book 1- A new series from The New York Times bestselling author of the ABRAM'S DAUGHTERS series! The Preacher's Daughter begins a remarkable journey of heartache and homespun delight--a series readers will find impossible to forget. Paradise, Pennsylvania, is likened to a little slice of heaven on earth...but for Annie Zook--the preacher's eldest daughter--it seems like a dead-end street. She is expected to join the Amish church, but at 20 she is "still deciding." Because of the strict rules that guide the Plain community, she must continually squelch her artistic passion, although it has become her solace. In her signature style, with character depth and unexpected plot twists, beloved novelist Beverly Lewis once again opens the door to the world of the Amish.

Night Before Dawn (Dawn Series -Book 1)
4.9 out of 5 stars (41 customer reviews)
Kindle Price: $0.00, You Save: $6.99 (100%)
Night Before Dawn is an inspiring novel about a young woman’s struggle to find peace in the center of tragedy, new life in the midst of loss, and forgiveness in the heart of betrayal
Becoming Your Spouse's Better Half: Why Differences Make a Marriage Great
You Save: $13.99 (100%)
4.3 out of 5 stars (56 customer reviews)
It's no secret that men and women are different. And it's no secret that they don't always get along because of these differences, even when they love each other. But having a successful marriage is not about finding the perfect person to marry. It's about loving someone in an unselfish, Christlike manner. Whatever we want out of marriage--unconditional love, forgiveness, passion--that is what we have to give to our spouse. Rick Johnson shows couples how to go beyond merely tolerating each other's differences to using those God-given differences to add spice and passion to their relationship.

How to Set Boundaries in Your Marriage Speak Your Mind and Help Your Partner Understand Your Feelings and Enjoy a Healthy Happy Marriage
You Save: $2.99 (100%)
4.7 out of 5 stars (13 customer reviews)
By setting boundaries and speaking your mind, you can create a healthy relationship that can truly last forever. The key is to set boundaries. This book shows you how to do that.

Relationship Rescue: Proven Strategies to Rescue Your Relationship For Good
You Save: $0.99 (100%)
4.7 out of 5 stars (9 customer reviews)
You’re about to discover how to fall in love again! Too many relationships fail, and marriages end in divorce! It is no surprise that our country has the highest divorce rates that it has ever had. Don't let yourself fall into this category! Don't let yourself or your relationship suffer anymore. With the help of this book, you too can rescue your relationship!
One of the most common problems within a relationship is the tendency to cease positive communication with each other. As a relationship evolves, sometimes communication becomes muddled. Partners can become too quiet with each other when it comes to stressors, which ends up causing larger issues. Communication fallouts can be one of the most devastating problems to have within a relationship. It is important to be able to have meaningful conversations within a relationship, because then it is easier to talk through the stressors that burden life.
It is important to save your relationship, especially if you have kids- they will suffer too.

10000 Word Scramble Puzzles to Improve Your IQ (IQ BOOST PUZZLES Book 7)
You Save: $19.95 (100%)

How To Get Better At Boggle - A Strategy Guide: Strategies, Tips, & Word Lists to Win at Boggle, Ruzzle, and Scramble With Friends
You Save: $0.99 (100%)
Do you like to play Boggle, Ruzzle, Scramble With Friends, Scrabble, or any other similar word game? Are you competitive? Are you interested in spending just a little bit of time to improve your abilities and achieve much higher scores in all of those games? This is exactly the book and resource for someone who had a "yes" response to any of those questions.

What Am I? - A Collection Of Traditional Word Riddles - VOLUME ONE
You Save: $2.99 (100%)
This is a collection of 75 fun, challenging, and satisfying wordplay riddles! A drastically different yet essential counterpart to my first collection of riddles, “Of Course!”, these are easy-to-remember and fun-to-share word riddles that describe some object, thing, or place. Typically they follow a limerick-inspired rhyming structure and sometimes have pretty out-of-the-box answers.

And here is a bonus for all pets' lovers (if you have a Petsmart in town) :)
$5 Off Printable Coupon of Any Size Bag of Gourmet Cat or Dog Food @ PETsMART exp 10/14

Added :

The Truest Thing about You: Identity, Desire, and Why It All Matters
You Save: $14.99 (100%)
4.7 out of 5 stars (83 customer reviews)

There are many true things about you—true things you use to build an identity. Parent. Introvert. Victim. Student. Extrovert. Entrepreneur. Single.
These truths can identify you, your successes and failures, your expectations and disappointments, your secret dreams and hidden shames. But what if your true identity isn't found in any of these smaller truths, but in the grand truth of who God says you are? In other words, lots of things are true about you—but are they the truest?
David Lomas invites you to discover and live out the truth of who God created you to be: you are loved, you are accepted, and you are made in God's image. It's time to move beyond the lesser voices and discover why everything changes when you become who you really are.
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