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I have this lovely ficus planted on a big pot and setup at the 4th floor of the house. The problem is, I saw red ants coming out of the trunk after a year. Been flushing them out with water and saw white baby ants being carried out. Im allergic to red ants. Any idea how to solve this problem since i don't want to throw away the 8ft ficus tree?
This green building near Fleet Street is a nice example of a vertical garden and a planted roof.


I took this photograph from Dr Johnson's House which is in Gough Square.

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This green building near Fleet Street is a nice example of a vertical garden and a planted roof.

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=46478"/>

I took this photograph from Dr Johnson's House which is in Gough Square.

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That's very nice and I'm sure I've seen this before.....most probably through my daughter with her Architecture studies.

They too had to do living walls!
Home from vacation and leave again in a week. My garden weeds are too high to pull, I need to dig. I did start one small garden by the house but this will take all winter. Why do my weeds grow like crazy but the things I plant struggle along. Oh well, at least it's colorful. Bobbi



Home from vacation and leave again in a week. My garden weeds are too high to pull, I need to dig. I did start one small garden by the house but this will take all winter. Why do my weeds grow like crazy but the things I plant struggle along. Oh well, at least it's colorful. Bobbi

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=46633"/>

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=46634"/>

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=46635"/>

Looks great Bobbi. A tad Bohemian which appeals to me.


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Just back from Nantucket. A great summer for vacations; not too good for Gardening. I think I'll just call it a thicket.

has anyone grown purple potatoes? I did last year and spent considerable effort cultivating watering billing them only to be disappointed with a meager crop.I scrapped
darn buttons.I thought I scraped around harvesting every nugget but this year I had volunteers in each area as the year before. I totally ignored them....no water, no hilling little cultivating and I was surprised yesterday to harvest close to the same number of spuds as last year! now I don't know if I've discovered a perennial potato or it was a fluke because of our mild winter last year. I guess I'll find out next year.A friend says they are all over the soil surface in Peru and that leads me to think that they don't take to hilling as they didn't seem to produce there but under the natural soil surface .I don't recommend mashing these potatoes though they are tasty, purple mashed spuds are a bit off putting:)
I love gardening with my grandma, when i get the chance too because always busy and she loves it in the backyard and she spends everyday there

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