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[GIVEAWAY] Strotter Across SL iPad Case

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Halloween costume

My favorite costume was my daughter wanting to be "dressed up" as a house after we moved into a house that we took a year to build. That was back in the early 90's. She passed away at age 10 in 1995 from MLD (see MLDfoundation.org/dedication.html) No iPads back then ... but we have several in our house today!

I had an elaborate costume with one half of my face painted white, the other painted black and wore an oriental outfit. Looking back it was pretty weird.
Orange felt pimpsuit with vintage platform shoes....and faux white leopard trim. Top off with vintage leather gloves studded with rhinestones..... The ladies loved it.

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Me and my Manhattan drinking cohort will be hanging together as a manhattan. Dressed as a bottle of bourbon,a bottle of vermouth, a bottle of bitters, a jar of cherries and one Asa a cocktail shaker. Not sure who will be what yet!
My favorite costume was Carol Burnett's char woman. I won first prize. Of course that was back in the day.....:)
Halloween Costume

I hope this is the right place to reply. Years ago I made the perfect Wonder Woman costume. It was right on and perfect. My most recent costume was when I spent an hour applying a fake beard using spirit gum and wool hair. I teach and did not speak at first and my students thought they had a male sub for the day. When I did speak, they said they could not look at me. It drove them crazy. :D
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