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[GIVEAWAY] Strotter Across SL iPad Case

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Best Halloween Costume

I went trick or treating with 8 elementary and pre-school grandchildren.
They had no idea who I was.
I was dressed as a witch.

Hope to win the Strotter Case.

Joan Levin
Halloween Costume

My favorite costume was dressing up like gypsy dancer. Going through my mother's jewelry and raiding her closet and make-up will be a memory I will cherish forever.!
Last year was the first time I went to a Halloween Party. (I am 57). My younger sister and I went as Thing 1 and Thing 2 from The Cat in the Hat and too our amazement we one best costume!. We had the orange hair and everything. Photo available if you are interested.
A friend and I wrapped ourselves in brown (me) and white (him) ace wrap and went as Mummy Vice. We got this cool jacket at the thrift store for him and I wore an open to the last button wild dress shirt (to show off the wrap job). It was a blast, but not too many people got it right away - it was too long after it went off the air and into syndication.
I was an exotic bird. I made a foot long beak out of styrofoam, painted it orange and red. I drove a coat hanger into the part where the beak meets the head and left about a foot sticking out. I bent that into a curve to go over my head, from the bridge of my nose to the back of my head. I covered a stiff woven turkish hat with exotic feathers. Wearing the hat over the bent section of the coat hanger held the beak in place.
Joining the giveaway contest.

Well Iran on being home, I am a disabled vet, so I will be in charge of handling the huge flow of kids. I will wear a top hat and skeleton t-shirt, with a white face. It works for me. Good luck to everyone!
My best costume was the Headless Horseman in the Washington Irvin story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." I wore a long coat up over the top of my head and other accoutrements. It was especially good because I was in middle school in a town just across the Hudson River from the area where the story supposedly took place.
Halloween pirate

Since I have one eye and one amputated leg, I dress as a pirate with an eye patch, a peg leg, and the costume of an old ship mate with a hand-carved walking stick.
Best Halloween Costume

my best costume was this one:
mikes halloween costume wow.webp
My favorite ever costume was when my husband & I were a hillbilly pregnant bride and her groom. I took spray on hair color and turned my hair black, used an eyebrow pencil to make freckles and also bought some tooth black-out to make it look like I was missing a couple of teeth. I won first prize for my costume.
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