My favorite costume was dressing up like gypsy dancer. Going through my mother's jewelry and raiding her closet and make-up will be a memory I will cherish forever.!
Last year was the first time I went to a Halloween Party. (I am 57). My younger sister and I went as Thing 1 and Thing 2 from The Cat in the Hat and too our amazement we one best costume!. We had the orange hair and everything. Photo available if you are interested.
A friend and I wrapped ourselves in brown (me) and white (him) ace wrap and went as Mummy Vice. We got this cool jacket at the thrift store for him and I wore an open to the last button wild dress shirt (to show off the wrap job). It was a blast, but not too many people got it right away - it was too long after it went off the air and into syndication.
I was an exotic bird. I made a foot long beak out of styrofoam, painted it orange and red. I drove a coat hanger into the part where the beak meets the head and left about a foot sticking out. I bent that into a curve to go over my head, from the bridge of my nose to the back of my head. I covered a stiff woven turkish hat with exotic feathers. Wearing the hat over the bent section of the coat hanger held the beak in place.
Well Iran on being home, I am a disabled vet, so I will be in charge of handling the huge flow of kids. I will wear a top hat and skeleton t-shirt, with a white face. It works for me. Good luck to everyone!
My best costume was the Headless Horseman in the Washington Irvin story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." I wore a long coat up over the top of my head and other accoutrements. It was especially good because I was in middle school in a town just across the Hudson River from the area where the story supposedly took place.
Since I have one eye and one amputated leg, I dress as a pirate with an eye patch, a peg leg, and the costume of an old ship mate with a hand-carved walking stick.
My favorite ever costume was when my husband & I were a hillbilly pregnant bride and her groom. I took spray on hair color and turned my hair black, used an eyebrow pencil to make freckles and also bought some tooth black-out to make it look like I was missing a couple of teeth. I won first prize for my costume.