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[GIVEAWAY] Strotter Across SL iPad Case

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Halloween 1998

Hi all

I hope this is the correct forum to list my Halloween costume from '98 in order to win the ipad case.

First off I'm male and at the time was 26.

My bestie and I decided to dress up as nurses. Female nurses :). I, with my sometimes need to overdue things, decided to take my costume a few steps further and dressed up as a sexy female nurse. To add just a bit of pain to my toes, I
wore 2 inch white platform shoes. :) Wig, a bit of base for makeup, nails and hose. Off to New Orleans I went. Had the
best time ever, but my toes are still begging me to never, ever wear those type of shoes again. :)

Boujour tout le monde, j'adore me déguiser en Homme Invisible à l'halloween. C'est habituellement très réussi.
Two favorite costumes come to mind: my sister and I once went wearing large boxes decorated as boxes of cereal - I went as Post Ghosties and she went as Rice Creepies. And my girlfriend and I a few years ago went dressed in white body stockings and white swimming caps, decorated with lines and numbers to make us look like thermometers. She wore silver shoes, and was an oral thermometer - I wore brown shoes - I was an anal thermometer - used, of course!

My favorite was a tiger costume my grandma sewed for me right around kinderg=
arten. I cried when some big kid stepped on the tail and tore it off. Maybe t=
hat's why I don't like Halloween.

I went to a combined Halloween Birthday Party and everyone was dressed in Twilight Costumes. I went as Jane in a long black cloak, and make up. We had pumpkins on the tables, wine in bottles of blood. It looked amazing
My favorite costume was a ghost. Not much imagination in making this costume-it was just laughing and joking with my family that I remember. My brother cut out one of the eyes too big and for some reason thought that if her colored around the eye with a black crayon that it wouldn’t make it look larger---oh my--that really made it stand out. We had so much fun running up and down the sidewalks knocking on the doors and saying Treat or Treat…and seeing what everybody else was wearing. Happy Halloween to everyone….thank you for reminding me to pause and remember those good times. This was a real treat……
One year in college a bunch of buddies and I dressed up as beer bottles...tin foil for caps, and we made a "carton" out of an old refrigerator box...we walked into the party together as a six pack, and won best group costume.
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