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Godus Game Discussion

Oer! Really? Am dashing off to go check mine....I beautified everywhere :eek:

Particularly around the temple south east of the Astari village, and along the seam of sapphires near the two temples to the left of the free wheat fields. Game keeps crashing again.:( Waiting to hear from them. They seem to have fixed the lost progress problem on iOS.
I did what you said Sam. Worked well. I'm good in belief and food. But my people hate me. Some people are never happy! Beautiful land, lots of food.....

GC: narab1
HD: Level 78
DV: Level 37
C of C: Level 42
Godus: who knows?!

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Everytime I do the time advance thing, I always tap the "fountain of happiness" or whatever it's called, to boost their happiness (I've got two of them, plus one "tree of joy"). That keeps their happiness up. Failing that, do a bit of beautifying to give 'em a boost. :p I demolished the Astari village entirely, which really bummed them out for a while, but they're naturally cheerful souls and were happy again in no time.
And, by the way, I checked if all my previous beautifying was still in effect and it does appear to be so. I don't see any fading anywhere. I wonder if it's just an "Antheas world" thing?o_O

Thanks for the tip. The fountains (I have 2) weren't working, nor were my 6 trees. I spent more belief on Beautify and now they loooove me again. It's so nice, I keep getting converts!

I haven't noticed my beauty disappearing though.....

GC: narab1
HD: Level 78
DV: Level 37
C of C: Level 42
Godus: who knows?!

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Particularly around the temple south east of the Astari village, and along the seam of sapphires near the two temples to the left of the free wheat fields. Game keeps crashing again.:( Waiting to hear from them. They seem to have fixed the lost progress problem on iOS.

What do you do with the gems (sapphires?). Can you mine them?

GC: narab1
HD: Level 78
DV: Level 37
C of C: Level 42
Godus: who knows?!

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Thanks for the tip. The fountains (I have 2) weren't working, nor were my 6 trees. I spent more belief on Beautify and now they loooove me again. It's so nice, I keep getting converts!

I haven't noticed my beauty disappearing though.....

GC: narab1
HD: Level 78
DV: Level 37
C of C: Level 42
Godus: who knows?!

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Do you have six trees of joy? Or do you mean ordinary trees that you planted?

When you say that your fountains weren't working, do you mean that when you tap "celebrate" your happiness didn't go up?
(Don't mean to interrogate you, just trying to work it out :D)
What do you do with the gems (sapphires?). Can you mine them?

GC: narab1
HD: Level 78
DV: Level 37
C of C: Level 42
Godus: who knows?!

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Yes, you mine the sapphires and get gems. You need to build a mining settlement near the sapphires, or at least, within leashing distance. Then, when the miner icon appears above the settlement, you tap it and the miner will go and attack the sapphires with his pickaxe.

Very important:
you need to make sure there are no empty plots near the sapphires, otherwise your miner will just go and build a mine there, instead of working on the sapphires.

What I do is, send a builder to any empt plots first, or sculpt land to remove them, then send the miners in. When they have cleared some sapphires, they will build a mine in the free spot. The gem will appear hovering above the ground, a goldish colour, I'll post a shot when I get the next one, and you just tap it to retrieve. If it's ready when you're asleep, it retrieved itself after a while.
Here's a gem. And two hard-working miners.


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So, after being away from HayDay for a couple of months I dived back into iPad gaming again, and started this game. I noticed a lot of you from the HayDay thread are here too: tell me, is this game worth it? :)
Do you have six trees of joy? Or do you mean ordinary trees that you planted?

When you say that your fountains weren't working, do you mean that when you tap "celebrate" your happiness didn't go up?
(Don't mean to interrogate you, just trying to work it out :D)

I planted 6-8 trees for the forest of joy or whatever it is called. I don't quite know what they do and they seem to turn into ordinary trees after a while because I tried to move them and ended up wiping them out and starting again. I think I got some happiness but not sure how long it lasted. You get happiness when you cut them down too it seems.

When i said the fountains weren't working, I meant that I wasn't getting any happiness out of them. i was at the the bottom of the scale and couldn't get it to the top or middle until i used the blight remover for a bit. i had both fountains running constantly but it did little to bring it up.
GC: narab1
HD: Level 78
DV: Level 37
C of C: Level 42
Godus: who knows?!

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Here's a gem. And two hard-working miners.
Interesting...I will have to try that. Thanks for the pix.

GC: narab1
HD: Level 78
DV: Level 37
C of C: Level 42
Godus: who knows?!

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So, after being away from HayDay for a couple of months I dived back into iPad gaming again, and started this game. I noticed a lot of you from the HayDay thread are here too: tell me, is this game worth it? :)

I got into it late vs Anthea and Sam.

For me, the jury is still out. I like the custom nature of the game, in that i can make my world as i see fit. I wish there was a chat feature or I could see other people's worlds...it seems a bit lonely at times. I know others find it relaxing; i find the cultivation of belief a bit hectic at times once you get so many followers.

It's a new-ish game so they are still working out the kinks. If you can be patient with its foibles, it is not bad.

GC: narab1
HD: Level 78
DV: Level 37
C of C: Level 42
Godus: who knows?!

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So, after being away from HayDay for a couple of months I dived back into iPad gaming again, and started this game. I noticed a lot of you from the HayDay thread are here too: tell me, is this game worth it? :)

Hello! I suppose it depends really. :) The game is still in beta, so it is glitchy and lots of people have had problems with it, but the developers do seem to be working their way through them.

I really enjoy it, and as Nancy says, you can customise your world, which is one of the main attractions. I find it relaxing, it looks beautiful, but it can be very frustrating. I'd say have a go, and if you like it, get some tips from us, which might save you some time. :)
Ok, I get it now. :) The trees don't increase happiness, they increase belief from the abodes nearby, by a small percentage. If you tap on one of the trees it will show you all abodes it affects and the amount of increase in happiness. Unfortunately, as you have found, you can remove them by sculpting or tapping on them, which is annoying especially as the cost increases with each new tree.

Once hour happiness gets really low, it is hard to increase it, but beautify seems to work quite quickly. If you are doing time travelling, happiness decreases really quickly.

I think my favourite thing in the game is the tree of joy, which looks beautiful! But so expensive!! The first one cost 20 gems and the second one costs 90 gems! It seems an extraordinary increase - even if I mine all my sapphires, I don't think I will have enough.

And the main question I have at the moment is, what on earth do you do with all the wheat? The only use I have found for it is building new abodes, but that doesn't use much, and boosting followers. I'm not making new wheat fields any more, just focusing on mines. I need 100 mines to get the mining village card, and I am up to 79. The next new mining settlement will cost about 75k of belief, but a mining village only costs 15k!! Doesn't make sense. o_O
Thanks Narab1 and Chumleyboo! I'm going to try and stick with it to see if I like it enough. It seems an intricate game, but that's okay, I kinda like that. A pity that the social feature is missing, but who knows, they might add it later on? After all, the Tribez was a solo affair for so long too!

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Here's a gem. And two hard-working miners.

We sort of like it quite a lot, but it doesn't compare to Hayday. They're very different. Godus is slower paced and doesn't keep you engaged for long, so it's good to have other games to go back to while you wait for stuff. It's very "zen-like" and peaceful, which is nice, but it's also very buggy! We've all experienced issues with the game because it's still in the beta stage. All in all I recommend it - besides, it's free! :D

Oh, fer cryin' out loud! I didn't know those were future gem mining areas! I "re-buried" the first temple I uncovered because it suited me at the time, and it's now surrounded by farm settlements. Now you say we have to send miners in there? Gah! How annoying! :mad: I shall have to rethink everything.....

So, wait....you can just mine the gems? There has to be a monument? I built a mining settlement and have this pile of gems:

So you're saying they won't mine these?!? What do I have to do?


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