Dr. Robert
iPF Noob
Hello there,
Just thought I'd say hello. I recently traded an iMac for a 3rd gen. iPad, which I am using mostly for learning German, and controlling Logic Pro via V-Control Pro, an amazing (albeit not cheap) little app. The iPad is a great little addition to my home studio, and being able to control Logic from anywhere in the room is so much better than being tied to my desk, and a chair that my old back doesn't particularly love. I never really thought I'd own one of these gizmos, but my choices were limited regarding what I could get for my iMac. It basically came down to either another Mac Mini (my main computer now is a 2011 Mini Server), an iPad, or a store credit for some future purchase. Since I saw no point in getting another mini, I chose the iPad. I am very happy I did, as I use it more and more every day.
Dr. Robert
Just thought I'd say hello. I recently traded an iMac for a 3rd gen. iPad, which I am using mostly for learning German, and controlling Logic Pro via V-Control Pro, an amazing (albeit not cheap) little app. The iPad is a great little addition to my home studio, and being able to control Logic from anywhere in the room is so much better than being tied to my desk, and a chair that my old back doesn't particularly love. I never really thought I'd own one of these gizmos, but my choices were limited regarding what I could get for my iMac. It basically came down to either another Mac Mini (my main computer now is a 2011 Mini Server), an iPad, or a store credit for some future purchase. Since I saw no point in getting another mini, I chose the iPad. I am very happy I did, as I use it more and more every day.
Dr. Robert