Correction...there will be no more resting time in the pond, so after i collected my fish from the net, i can put another net right after that, no seagull occupied the pond
currently 58
Hmm, hadn't thought about it before, but today I paid a bit more attention. I didn't make a note of the exact times, but did notice that Shallow water 1 and 2, and Rocky 1 have the shortest cool down times - like around 1 1/2 - 2 hours or so, as opposed to the other areas which have 2 1/2 - 4 hour cool down times, (or thereabouts!). Hope this helps!Does anyone have a list of the cooldown times for each area? I keep telling myself to write them down but I'm usually out and about in real life and I fish randomly and I never remember. But since the nets and lobster traps don't have cooldown times, I want to plant them in the longer cooldown areas and use the shorter areas for manual fishing.
Oh cool, thanks!Cooldowntime added to the imagelist a couple posts above your own post.
Cooldowntime added to the imagelist a couple posts above your own post.
Cooldowntime added to the imagelist a couple posts above your own post.
New member here, although I've been referencing your thread for a few days now. I started putting together my own spreadhseet from what you have listed here and from other sources. Once I get that finalized I will share with this thread. Until then, here are few of my catches from today: Coho salmon, green lure, bronze, reed 2, small circle, active Greater redhorse, purple lure, silver, deep 1, small circle, semi active Rudd, green lure, rocky 1, small circle, semi active Sauger, purple lure, shallow 1, bronze, medium circle, semi active Trying to catch a bitterling but used the last of my purple lures.