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Hay Day Reunited


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Hi every one! Jo and Karine!! Jo, praise God your breast cancer is gone I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your dear friend. So good to be able to connect with you and Karine.

Jo, I’m going to guess 5,650! How fun!
It is very good to see so many of us reunited. Please keep posting and let us know what you are all up to. I am looking forward to my niece's wedding next weekend. xx
What's your favourite and least favourite Derby task?
My favourite is the help task. My least favourite is animal feeding.
I always like the mining task, because you can finish them so quickly! But they seem to be few and far between these days. I like the truck tasks, also because they don’t take long. (Bit of a theme emerging here...) my new favourite however, is the mining, honey toast and smoothie task. I like the fact that you can organise all the elements so you have a kind of production line going. My least favourite are the ones that take ages like strawberries and goats milk. I did both in the recent bingo derby - never again!
I like to start with growing something then move on from there. I find that the best tasks always turn up during the last day or two. I like mining, love the general town/train tasks but hate the individual townies or building ones, hate the truck ones because I always run out of stuff halfway through :). Don’t like fishing either ....hmmmmm yup I guess is helping, growing, train and mining that I like ...the rest I just trash hahahaha. Mind you some of the combo tasks are really good indeed but we just don’t get very many in our hood.
Just out of interest has anyone ever completed a bingo line in a bingo derby? We’ve never managed to complete one spot never mind a whole line! Mind you were not the most active hood out there
KJ I haven’t done many bingo derbies, I think only two, and yes we did complete two lines. I have heard of people in other hoods not getting the tasks coming up to complete lines. I thought the bingo derbies were fun, but honestly I don’t think the prizes are worth it.

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