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Hay Day Reunited

Hi everyone, I am starting a lottery to see how much interest there is.
What size is my silo?

First prize : 10 pick axes, Second Prize : 6 pick axes , Third Prize 4 pick axes.

Lottery ends Thurs 17th
Good luck!
View attachment 81926

Hi everyone, sorry I have been so busy with my niece's wedding yesterday. Finally time for the results of the lottery.
My silo size is 6300

So the winners are
1st place Carolyn who guessed 5650
2nd place Kruella 5250
3rd place Nancy 5000

Thank you all for taking part. If you use kik then message me. Kik: jonew10 or PM me on here to collect your prizes.


  • image.webp
    412.5 KB · Views: 329
I am just catching up with all the posts on here. My neighbourhood always tries to complete 3 bingo lines to get the extra prizes. You have to make sure that the last task completed is the corner task as as soon as you finish any line the bingo immediately finishes for that week. I am very pleased that the bingo Derby is not frequent as they are a lot more stressful than ordinary Derbies
Hi everyone... Just catching up reading all the posts. Holy Smokes Jo!!! That is a massive silo!!! Congrats to the winners! My guess was pitiful!
Re: bingo derbies, my nh has completed 2 or 3 (cannot remember exactly) 3 line bingo derbies and a couple 2 line ones. I mostly dislike them because they oftentimes don’t give you very good tasks to complete them.
My favorite derby tasks are town tasks, hands down. Mining used to be good but are rare as hens teeth now, it seems. Help tasks are good. Our nh does pretty much only high point tasks and typically 10 tasks each unless we don’t need to to win. Competitive bunch I guess, for a small nh.
Jo, so glad to hear the cancer has been beaten.
Good to hear from everyone. Hope everyone keeps checking in here, more often hopefully!
Hugs all around,
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What a beautiful photo Jo. Thank you for sharing. It’s a gorgeous dress - how lovely to have made it herself. I think that must be rare these days.
What a gorgeous elegant gown. She looks very beautiful.

On a side note, thank you for the trade yesterday Jo. Desperately heeded that barn upgrade.

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