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2 days 23 hours for platform repair!! :(

Carolyn, I spent my blings to skip 2 days 23 hours, and found my self not really happy... Hahahaha....


GC Pikandut, level 88


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Carolyn, I spent my blings to skip 2 days 23 hours, and found my self not really happy... Hahahaha.... <img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=56607"/> GC Pikandut, level 88

Ohhh, that's too bad!! :( It seems like it's a brand new game that, if separated, would be called Town Day!! Starting from scratch...ugh! Lol! Thanks for sharing your "be patient" advice. I'm sure a lot of us thank you for that! :)

Raised only by her Grandfather, after her parents died in a car accident when she was but three months old, Peyton held tight to his urn she just picked up from Morton's Mortuary. Even though Grandy, as she affectionately called her Grandfather, was getting up there in years, it was still quite the shock when she received the call from Port Charles General Hospital notifying her of his passing. Back at the cramped, two bedroom, old house they called home nearing on twenty five years, Peyton sat in Grandy's favorite, worn out, recliner. His pipe and pouch resting on the side table, never to be used again. As tears fell down her cheek, some droplets would ping on the urn, which made her cry all that much more. As the last sobs coursed through her body, the nearly broken doorbell gave a half-hearted ring. She set the urn on the mantel and quickly wiped her face dry with Grandy's handkerchief and opened the door. She signed for the delivered package and wondered what in the world this could be? She sat in her wicker chair complete with it's worn out cushion and ripped the cardboard tab off the mailer. Inside was an envelope. The return address read "The Law Firm of Spencer L. Walker, III". She carefully opened the envelope and had to catch herself in order to stave off the next round of tears. It was Grandy's Last Will & Testament. She turned the pages and pages as her mouth opened in disbelief...
Ohhh, that's too bad!! :( It seems like it's a brand new game that, if separated, would be called Town Day!! Starting from scratch...ugh! Lol! Thanks for sharing your "be patient" advice. I'm sure a lot of us thank you for that! :)

Yes, me too! Thanks Nin! It's a bit of an anti-climax really, we wait sooo long for the update, then all you can do is pay the 36,000 to repair the station, then wait. It's tempting to use diamonds, but I know there's just more waiting ahead. So I'm going to be patient this time, and savour it all. :)

Chumleyboo, level 83
COMMUNITY STORY! Raised only by her Grandfather, after her parents died in a car accident when she was but three months old, Peyton held tight to his urn she just picked up from Morton's Mortuary. Even though Grandy, as she affectionately called her Grandfather, was getting up there in years, it was still quite the shock when she received the call from Port Charles General Hospital notifying her of his passing. Back at the cramped, two bedroom, old house they called home nearing on twenty five years, Peyton sat in Grandy's favorite, worn out, recliner. His pipe and pouch resting on the side table, never to be used again. As tears fell down her cheek, some droplets would ping on the urn, which made her cry all that much more. As the last sobs coursed through her body, the nearly broken doorbell gave a half-hearted ring. She set the urn on the mantel and quickly wiped her face dry with Grandy's handkerchief and opened the door. She signed for the delivered package and wondered what in the world this could be? She sat in her wicker chair complete with it's worn out cushion and ripped the cardboard tab off the mailer. Inside was an envelope. The return address read "The Law Firm of Spencer L. Walker, III". She carefully opened the envelope and had to catch herself in order to stave off the next round of tears. It was Grandy's Last Will & Testament. She turned the pages and pages as her mouth opened in disbelief...

CS2. She knew that Grandy wasn't struggling financially. He had worked hard his whole life and was able to provide for her every need, despite the impression given by their modest home. He was of that generation that knew the value of money and believed that throwing it around was slightly vulgar. But she was totally unprepared for the extent of his wealth - pages and pages detailing investments she knew nothing about and didn't even understand, properties around the country, assets, antiques and a safety deposit box key. But the most shocking thing she read, the thing that absolutely beggared belief, was the fact that Grandy, in his wisdom, had left all of it, the whole kit and caboodle, to his beloved cat. His cat???!!! Peyton dropped the letter to the floor and stared out of the window feeling stunned. Grandy didn't have a cat.

Chumleyboo, level 83

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