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HayDay Friends Off-Topic

Okay, I screwed it up, you guys take over, I want a new avatar anyway

Sent from my IPad using IPF. GC wenchwhino HD level 67

The golden beauty represented his youthful life, the rubies, his heart and blood! He gave himself so freely to her, yet she had held back because she thought she was supposed to go for the nouveau riche, never understanding that the "New Rich" was no one she ever wanted. Yet, this wonderful one, had replaced her jewelry for her..at that moment, she realized he understood her...he had shown her earthly treasures can easily be replaced...those high end jewelers produced thousands of. that "unique" piece. But, that completely hand hewed piece of gold and rubies only represented him! Her "Ah hah" moment made her leap with joy! She had finally realized she needs to LOVE...she locates her iPhone and finds his name under Contacts....
CS4 The golden beauty represented his youthful life, the rubies, his heart and blood! He gave himself so freely to her, yet she had held back because she thought she was supposed to go for the nouveau riche, never understanding that the "New Rich" was no one she ever wanted. Yet, this wonderful one, had replaced her jewelry for her..at that moment, she realized he understood her...he had shown her earthly treasures can easily be replaced...those high end jewelers produced thousands of. that "unique" piece. But, that completely hand hewed piece of gold and rubies only represented him! Her "Ah hah" moment made her leap with joy! She had finally realized she needs to LOVE...she locates her iPhone and finds his name under Contacts....

CS5 She pressed Call and waited. The ringing tone was comforting, this felt right. A note of anxiety started to creep in, why wasn't he answering? At last, the ringing stopped, and her heart leapt as she heard his gentle Hello? "I'm ready", she said.

The End.

Chumleyboo, level 83
Love ya guys, but I am not the least bit creative! But love the story
Can we have a new avatar?

Sent from my IPad using IPF. GC wenchwhino HD level 67
Hey Avatar Gang! In honor of the upcoming Hay Day update, find a real-life photo of any one of the following:

1. A Grocery Store
2. A Salesman
3. A Cinema
4. A Strongman
5. A Diner

You can change your avatar to this starting now. It will continue through the weekend!

(Donna, this is for you, dear one!!)
Love ya guys, but I am not the least bit creative! But love the story Can we have a new avatar? D Sent from my IPad using IPF. GC wenchwhino HD level 67

This story was great. I love how each person brings their own take and direction to the story and brings it to life. This is such a cool experience. It doesn't matter what your skill or experience is; everyone contributes their own take. I love this.

GC: narab1 | HD: level 70 | DV: level 30
Did you hear? Kev got a new job! He'll be ringing your doorbell reeeeal soon.

Always be yourself, but if you can't be yourself, then be a pirate! GC: pristoph Level 53
This story was great. I love how each person brings their own take and direction to the story and brings it to life. This is such a cool experience. It doesn't matter what your skill or experience is; everyone contributes their own take. I love this. GC: narab1 | HD: level 70 | DV: level 30

Couldn't agree more! :)

Chumleyboo, level 83
I thought they were going to be real pic's. Going back to my real muscle man.

Sent from my IPad using IPF. GC wenchwhino HD level 67

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