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HayDay Friends Off-Topic


Write a non-common word that uses the next letter of the alphabet. We will group the letters by threes so this doesn't take forever! Anyone can join in the fun!

A Avatar

B Baconator
C Coin
Advanced Selfie Tricks: :)

If you have a set of Apple's headphones with the volume controls, you can use the plus (volume up) button as a remote shutter. The other option is to get one of the third party camera apps that have a timer function.

I definitely need to get a set of these headphones!! I'm thinking they could enable even more advanced selfie tricks, like pressing the shutter with your chin, or upper right canine! :p

And, I think I even have one of those third party camera apps! I really need to explore it more. I'm getting excited about the possibilities now!! :D

Thanks for the suggestions. :)
Not that I'm trying to butter you up, or anything, but you look ridiculously young in that picture, too! Which is totally not fair at all, and I'd like to register a complaint, because you know I like to register all my complaints. I hope you're keeping track of them all in a handy manilla folder marked "Samantha's Complaints". Anyway, add "you look too flipping young" to the file, thanks.

No, Samantha, you may NOT have all my bolts!! :p

Unfortunately my manilla folder was overflowing to the point where I had to invest in a lever arch file, with subsections, to keep track of them all. The subsections Suspicious Words and Devious Spellings are particularly full. :eek:

I told you I was 28 - I'm starting to think perhaps you didn't believe me. :D
You know, I don't dont think anybody would judge you too harshly if you just took the picture with, oh, I don't know, your finger. I'm just saying, there's something to be said for "old school". Plus, I'm a little worried about you ending up in the emergency room with a dislocated sternum, or an impacted phalange, or worse - a torn risorius! At very least, a cracked crown can be pricey. And anyway, what precisely are we supposed to be taking a picture of? I've lost track!

Crazy hairstyles!

I am all for "old school", truly I am, but when you have both hands occupied, holding crazy hairstyles in place, because you can't find ANY of the MILLION hair clips that you used to have, and you can't go looking for them anyway, because then you'd have to let go of the crazy hairstyle, which took AGES to finalise, and you can NEVER duplicate the exact same look again, trust me, I speak from experience, ... Where was I? ... Oh yes, when you jst don't have a spare finger, you need to call on your elbow or toes or something else. Besides which, I like a challenge. :D

Do I have a risorius? What is it? Where is it? What does it do?
Don't you love these "EyeC999 was last seen..." updates you get when you click on someone's avi?

LOVE your avi, btw! :D


  • image.webp
    40.4 KB · Views: 99
Ha! The pic was originally for the crazy hair thing you mentioned hours ago....but I sort of liked the pic, so I cropped out the crazy hair....now I gotta come up with another hair pic! You do realise, don't you, that this precious hair of mine is the result of 12 solid months of growing, after a 20 year pixie-cut run? And you want me to abuse it into some sort of monstrosity? I'm OK with it, I was just confirming...

I think you've got the gist of it :D You are allowed to revert to your usual hairstyle afterwards. ;), but only if you want to.
So....are we the only three here? o_O
Where are everyone's crazy hair-do pics?;)
Is everybody (like me) waiting for someone else to post first? Lol:rolleyes:
And what happened to Carolyn's alphabet-wordy thing? :p
C'mon people! I'm boooorrrrred!!! :confused: Who's got a tattoo to show? What did you all have for dinner? What was the last really good movie you saw? What was the last sentence you just said? :D
I'm off to bed now, but am looking forward to reading lots of stuff in the morning over breakfast! So start sharing!! Thank you in advance.

M Mnemonic
N Numbat
O Oligarchy

I have no tattoos, but if I were to get one, it would probably be of a spider, a small one.

I'm having cottage pie for dinner, followed by date slice.

The last really good movie I saw was Chef.

"No you can't have another date slice, you've just had one."

Sleep well.

You're welcome. :D
P Persnickety
Q Quantum
R Radiant

No tattoos...EVER!
Breakfast...Special K cinnamon pecan (Its too early for dinner)
Song...Riptide by Vance Joy (I don't go to the movies)
"Thanks for the coffee!)

Morning, sleepy head! ☀️
Ha lol! There's room for two of us, Samantha! Show me your best "Styles"! o_O:p

There once was a girl with a tatt
"A bayonet" and left it at that!
The story do spill
If it is your will
With a pic to show where it's at!

"Olive" you! <3

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