Advanced Selfie Tricks:
If you have a set of Apple's headphones with the volume controls, you can use the plus (volume up) button as a remote shutter. The other option is to get one of the third party camera apps that have a timer function.
This is how I spend my evenings.I am happy that you tried it out before the suggestion, lol. What an image that made.
Not that I'm trying to butter you up, or anything, but you look ridiculously young in that picture, too! Which is totally not fair at all, and I'd like to register a complaint, because you know I like to register all my complaints. I hope you're keeping track of them all in a handy manilla folder marked "Samantha's Complaints". Anyway, add "you look too flipping young" to the file, thanks.
You know, I don't dont think anybody would judge you too harshly if you just took the picture with, oh, I don't know, your finger. I'm just saying, there's something to be said for "old school". Plus, I'm a little worried about you ending up in the emergency room with a dislocated sternum, or an impacted phalange, or worse - a torn risorius! At very least, a cracked crown can be pricey. And anyway, what precisely are we supposed to be taking a picture of? I've lost track!
I'm pretty sure some of those word are suspicious and devious, but I haven't got conclusive proof. I'll allow them for now...
This is where I found your risorius...
It looks pretty important, and seems to be quite necessary for taking photos not only of your face, but with your face, so watch out!
Ha! The pic was originally for the crazy hair thing you mentioned hours ago....but I sort of liked the pic, so I cropped out the crazy I gotta come up with another hair pic! You do realise, don't you, that this precious hair of mine is the result of 12 solid months of growing, after a 20 year pixie-cut run? And you want me to abuse it into some sort of monstrosity? I'm OK with it, I was just confirming...
Why thank you. I love your Avi pic Sam. Your personality shines through!Outstanding words, Val![]()
So....are we the only three here?
Where are everyone's crazy hair-do pics?
Is everybody (like me) waiting for someone else to post first? Lol
And what happened to Carolyn's alphabet-wordy thing?
C'mon people! I'm boooorrrrred!!!Who's got a tattoo to show? What did you all have for dinner? What was the last really good movie you saw? What was the last sentence you just said?
I'm off to bed now, but am looking forward to reading lots of stuff in the morning over breakfast! So start sharing!! Thank you in advance.