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Horror story with iTunes sync - please help

Hello again,
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to my thread.
Present update:
I purchased Copytrans and successfully re-populated my iTunes library on my main computer using their programme to transfer all my music on my iPod Touch to my desktop computer.
Copytrans is a dream and was worth every penny (£12.51p) to resolve my dilemma.
Once my music was back in my iTunes library, I made sure I copied everything to my external hard drive before changing the automatic synching process to manual synching.
As a newbie to iTunes, iPod Touch and iPad2, and with the problems I have experienced, I think I would have preferred Apple to set the default position on my new gadgets to anything BUT automatic synching. At least that would give new users a chance to familiarise themselves with the all the processes before they were automatically synched.
Fortunately for me I didn't lose all my music on my iPod Touch. I've now populated my iPad2 with my music collection and am relieved everything got sorted out in the end.
I still wish iTunes was more user friendly and that Apple could have provided me with the same service as Copytrans in transferring information from IPod Touch back into iTunes.
Copytrans is definitely my 'Knight in Shining Armour' who saved the day for me!!!
I'm smiling again.
Tia :)
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synched today....wiped out itunes, ipod, and app store. went to the apple ipad problem site, and *may have* emailed them, since there is no response to indicate that it actually got sent :mad::confused:
did a 'restore' 8 hours ago...still waiting for 22 apps to DL and it ate a bunch of games and music apps that i have to replace, and reload my books....can anyone tell me where to find the idiots who built the sync program??? they must be removed from the gene pool :mad:
The first thing to do is take a backup of your itunes folder. On Windows 7 there will be a directory called Itunes in the Music library. On other versions of Windows you can search for the itunes directory which should be in your user folder.

Backup this directory to another computer or external drive as it should contain any music ripped from CD or bought using itunes.

After this you can sync with itunes knowing you can get your music back in an emergency. Check your backup to make sure it contains your music!

There are ways to copy the music from your ipod - CopyTrans is one option (costs $20 I think but the trial version will read 100 songs so you can test it). The free version will copy music to the ipod or iphone so you an avoid using itunes.

I keep everything that is synched to the ipad and ipods on another computer and I backup to external drives. ipods die (my 80GB did) and computer disks die (a friend used Yamipod to get his music from his ipod classic after his disk died (yamipod doesn't work with the touch or iphone)

Actually, I suggest backing up the entire iTunes Media folder on an external drive. This folder includes movies, apps, music, podcasts, books, etc. That way all your media is protected.
Alternative, when i plug the pad into my p.c., all i can see is jpg and video files. after this latest sync fiasco, i have issues with itunes on win7.....
any alternatives, Alternative????

my homepage is a cardboard sign, send money......
Alternative, when i plug the pad into my p.c., all i can see is jpg and video files. after this latest sync fiasco, i have issues with itunes on win7.....
any alternatives, Alternative????

my homepage is a cardboard sign, send money......

Try this... open iTunes on your P.C. - plug in your iPad - with it plugged into the P.C. reboot the iPad (home button and sleep/wake button simultaneously until you get the red "swipe" message) - wait until the iPad shuts down completely then re-start it (still plugged in to your P.C.) - when it comes back up the name of your iPad should appear under the device column in iTunes - click on the device - at the top of the screen you'll see app, music, movies, etc. - click apps or music tabs, etc. - make sure that you've placed a check mark next to the media you want to transfer to your device - then at the bottom right click "Apply" instead of synch. Let us know how this turns out.
synched today....wiped out itunes, ipod, and app store. went to the apple ipad problem site, and *may have* emailed them, since there is no response to indicate that it actually got sent :mad::confused:

Hello Schnarfengrubler, I completely agree with you. I have never known such an unforgiving and extremely slow programme such as I have experienced using the 'frustrating' iTunes.
Whoever designed it should be sent back to the Programme Makers school to improve their skills.
First, I am no computer 'guru' but have used computers for over 20 years (Eek! Am I that old;)!!!) However, in my humble opinion, iTunes sync is a pile of donkey 'do dos' or should that be 'don't don'ts'.
Each time I use it I get the awful feeling it is going to do something horrendous and swipe all my music etc. I am therefore always uptight using the programme and NEVER press a button without treble checking everything on screen. I have also backed up my ITunes Media files twice on my External Hard Drive. That's how nervous I have become thanks to iTunes.
iTunes should be much more user friendly so that a novice can use it safely.
The 'checking' box system when syncing is not bullet proof. At the moment it is far to easy to inadvertently delete all your music when you are a newbie. OK, with practice and more knowledge from forums like this you soon get to learn the pitfalls BUT newcomers to iTunes should be able to use it from the get go.
I had to buy Copytrans to dig me out of an iTunes/Apple blackhole when I lost my iTunes music library.
Copytrans does have a Free file manager for organising music, files. I downloaded it yesterday. I just need to research more to find out whether I still need to keep iTunes library in the background.
It's all getting too much and my head hurts!!!:(:(
All I ever wanted was an easy FOOLPROOF programme from Apple/iTunes.
For example, yesterday when I wanted to sync my new app's only on my iPad2, I thought (wrongly) that I would just need to check the app's tabs and uncheck all the others including synch music (which I knew I didn't need to sync because I hadn't added any new music).
I thought I was thinking logically i.e just check the things you want to sync.
However, the iTunes programme makers don't think like me. If you don't check the sync music tab regardless of whether you have no new music to sync, iTunes will kindly swipe all your music from your iPad2.
Is it me or the iTunes Programmers that have got the syncing 'logic' back to front? :confused:
My work colleagues always considered me to be a very logical person but maybe I've been living in cloud cuckoo land all my life!
My problem is similar but different in that I managed to keep all my tunes by ticking the boxes, but when I go to include photos (which to me are just as important for its use) it gives me the wonderful option to either have music OR photos, ie it says music will be deleted if I select to synch my photos! Can that be right? The memory is huge, an either/or should not be an option.

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