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How do I delete photos?

Hi Everyone, I'm a newbie, only joined today in the hope I might find out how to delete photos - hence my arrival here in this thread. I have an iPad3 with an upgrade to version 6.0. (Not sure if that was a good idea or not yet, for instance I have lost the YouTube app, though can still get on it using Safari and Google) My original problem was that each time I synced, I downloaded another copy of all the photos on my PC and ended up with three copies of each! By following this thread, I have been able to delete all my albums - except for two, Camera Roll and one about a recent cruise. I'm quite glad actually as I did not want to get rid of these only the others. I have accomplished this but have no idea how. My son has an earlier version and can easily get rid of any photos using the delete button. It seems this is not available on newer versions - a great step backwards, in my opinion. The iPad is the first Apple based unit I have owned, my phone is an Android (don't like) and my computer a PC, but I am very happy with it (the iPad, that is); clear screen intuitive use, "If you can think it,you can do it," my son told me. Seems to be working out that way - apart from this problem and a few other niggles, which are probably more down to me being unfamiliar with all the ins and outs of the machine.

Good to meet you all

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