iPF Noob
I would love to see an icon at the start of the list of running apps that lets you close everything in one go instead of closing them all down one at a time.
I would have hoped we had that functionality but alas Apple chose not to do it. I do, however, use a jailbreak app that adds to the functionality of the task switcher. SwitcherPlus, among other cool features, adds a "->" icon along with the usual "-" icon--when you tap and hold an app in the switcher bar. Tapping the "->" icon will close that app, as well as all the apps to the right of it. So if I want to quickly clean out the list I just do it to the first app there... and presto, they are all cleared out. But I don't often do this as I do like having a list of recently used apps handy... and I as I mentioned in previous post I close apps using SBSettings--which does not remove it from the switcher bar.
Amy Rose The Hedgehog said:You push up the bottom of your iPad screen with all 5 of your fingers or it won't work and you hold down an app and a red circle with a white minus symbol in the middle will appear, click it and the app will close.