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How many iPad users are iPhone users as well?

Do you own an iPhone as well as an iPad?

  • iPad and iPhone

    Votes: 93 74.4%
  • iPad only

    Votes: 32 25.6%

  • Total voters
I've had an iPhone since the original came out. Right now I have a 4, but am heading out tonight to get a 4S since my daughter broke her 3GS earlier this week (she'l get my current 4). I've been saving my upgrade for the "5", but hers comes along in August so I'll just use that if/when the new one comes out.

I've been wanting an iPad since their release in 2010, but various things kept me from getting one. Finally, all the stars aligned correctly and I was able to get one of the new iPads when they were released. I tried a Kindle Fire and a Samsung GT, but neither one worked for me. Oh, wait, I did like the 7" size. I guess I was too entrenched in the iOS; I kept expecting the GT to do the same things my iPhone does. I gave the Fire to my daughter (only paid $139 for it, too good a deal to send back, and its a decent little toy) and returned the Samsung. Funny thing about the Samsung...a month after I bought it I couldn't even sell it at a loss. Ended up begging Amazon to make an exception (I was 4 days outside my return window) and they allowed me to return it.

Anyway, I'm happy with my iDevices. 7" iPad? H*ll yeah!! I'm there.

PS...any thoughts on what to do with a 3GS with a blanked out white screen?
Have the iPad 3, but my phone is the simplest model and all it can do is make tel. calls and send texts on pay as you go as well.
Have Found that I've somehow - without conscious intent - migrated over to nearly all Apple products.
Home PC died a couple years back, and brother in law gifted us a (then new) Mac. Great desktop computer.
Used to use a PC laptop at previous job. New job, and now using a MacBook Pro. Also got a new iPhone 4S as part of the job too.
Old iPod died, so bought new touch 4G. Then picked up iPad 2 last year. I love my iPad!

iCloud has made it amazingly easy to keep all my devices in sync.
I even "uploaded" my music collection to iTunes Match. That too has been a pretty positive experience.
I too have been an iPhone user since the original and have owned in turn, each of its successors, passing on the older version to members of my family.

I have also owned each iPad.

When I purchased the first iPad I was not 100% convinced how much I would use it BUT it is my constant companion now.

In most cases both the iPad and the iPhone can do the job of the other BUT the difference in screen size dictates that each has it's sweet spot.

Some games are easier and better on the iPhones, others on iPad.

I have watched films and read books on the iPhone but would rather do so on the iPad.

I list to most of my podcasts on iPhone.

Music is mainly on iPhone but music videos are better on iPad.

I could go on but it don't think I need too?

+2 because my grandparents bought iPhones this month. Super jelly cuz they got Siri and don't even know how to use her!!!! SMH!

I'm never buyin another pc product again.
I had wanted a IPhone every since they first came out. My sister had one and she showed this app of a Fish Pond. When I touched the screen and the water rippled and the fish moved away, I was hooked.
Yes, for me it wasn't the technology, it was the magic.
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I got the iPhone 4s, then got an iPad love them both.
GOt the same for my better half too, she doesn't use the iPhone for much except calls and texts, but uses her iPad for everything.
Although it seems that most iPad users own iPhone as well, I saw the statistics in the Internet telling that more than 70% of iPad users don't have iPhone. Seems unbelievable:)
Both. The iPhone makes a great mini iPad when the size of the iPad is inconvenient. And all of my accessories work on both devices.

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