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How many iPads do you have?

Oh. Do you send those prints off to CSI?

I can tell because they will close my case, when I left it open. Or leave it open when I had it closed.

Or, the main thing, is that when I hit Safari, it takes me to where they all have been.:D
Crappy iTune - you probably need to learn how to use it

I have three iPods, two iPhones, and one iPad all linked to one PC. No problems but, then again, I read the directions.
I Have A Friend who Travels A Lot...

He comes and visits once a month, and while in residence he syncs his iPad with my PC. Why? The only PC he has is his company's PC. They have a very strict work only policy. He was going to buy a laptop of his own but along came the iPad, bought it, and that met his needs.

When he plugs in his iPad to my PC, iTunes recognizes it as Dave's iPad. When I plug in my iPad, iTunes recognizes it as Matt's iPad. When we got our iPads we had to name it and from that day forward iTunes has kept track of each iPad. What apps he has bought, remains his apps and vice versa.

We haven't figured out how he can get some of my games that cost some money onto his iPad, but then again we haven't really tried.
We have three in our family but only my elder brother and my younger brother too and his wife, but i dont know what the model is...
When he plugs in his iPad to my PC, iTunes recognizes it as Dave's iPad. When I plug in my iPad, iTunes recognizes it as Matt's iPad. When we got our iPads we had to name it and from that day forward iTunes has kept track of each iPad. What apps he has bought, remains his apps and vice versa.


Well said, Matt!
Hello Marie, Merry Christmas....

...on the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...Three French Hens. Two Turtle Doves, and a Partridge in a Pear Tree!

Anyway, Dave is a really good friend. But when it comes to technology, he'd rather go out and walk the dog. But he doesn't view his iPad as 'technology' per se. He sees it as a logical extension of what he had been carrying around for years--his Sony Clie PDA. He is slowly migrating all his data from that device onto his new iPad.

When he leaves here, he often ends up buying another app or two based on my use of those apps. For example, he now has Netflix and 3000 travel miles for signing up via American Airlines.
I have 1, my dad said if the iPad 3 is any good he will get me it and he will get this iPad!

Good deal I think
We just have one in our family. I tried to buy my wife one for Christmas, but she actually can't stand the device. I think she's a little crazy ....
Just one in my house, along with 2 ipods... but that is because I am not paying for a second one... son can get to work! However, my family has 3... :) And yes, the reason is no one wants to share so after the first one, jealousy raised its head and one by one they got their own...

Matt, for sharing apps it seems since he uses your itunes his account is also authorized so he should be able to tic off the apps you've transferred from purchases and sync them to his ipad. Then if there is an update you'd have to give your password when he visits (you could always put it in yourself and hand it back) to update. That is how I share with my b/f and my son.
One for now...mine:D.

My husband will get this one (64gb 3G) when the 3rd version comes out...if he is willing to wait that long!

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