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How often is your iPad with you?

How often do you carry your iPad?

  • It is always with me. Always. Are you crazy?

    Votes: 298 58.3%
  • I carry it sometimes, but leave it at home a lot too.

    Votes: 144 28.2%
  • I only use it at home on the couch, or maybe around the office.

    Votes: 69 13.5%

  • Total voters
I use my iPad about 85% of each week. It is more convenient then my laptops and easy to take along whereever I go. I love myiPad.
PS.......I am a PC user.
My original motivation (I was not an Apple fan) was to stop carrying around my T70 Thinkpad to use VPN and 5250 emulation to access work systems. So the first week I owned an ipad1 all it ran was email, VPN, and MochaSoft 5250 emulation software. The iPad proved convenient, reliable, and much faster from power up to system command line than my brick of a T70. Most importantly though it proved portable and soooo much lighter to cart around. After about two weeks or so I began browsing the app store. Still resistant to the whole Apple ecosystem concept I only browsed. Then it happened. Out of sheer boredom one evening I downloaded my first recreational app.....Infinity Blade. It was all over for me then. Now I have about 125 or so apps. A good mix of business, games, entertainment, and ebook apps and while I need to keep my iPad with me at all times for work purposes I am happy to say I WANT to keep my iPad with me at all times. I am personally responsible for berating what is now about a dozen or so fellow employees into purchasing their own iPads. Without exception all of them are both fascinated and enthusiastic about their new iPads !

And like most everything I've owned (and in some cases "fixed" beyond repair) I now want to know what makes this puppy tic. While I can't disassemble it like I have many a television, tube radio (yes tube radio but it was old when I got it ok?), washer, dryer, fridge, lawn mower, car, bicycle I most certainly can, and do, seek knowledge about the hardware components, the firmware, the peripherals, the apps.

This is where these forums and you come into play. This place is to me what a deck of cards are to a professional poker player. More importantly though I have all of you, including admins, members with vast knowledge of the idevice world, and all members with both questions or problems to thank for this.

In short it's all your fault this thing goes everywhere I go!
All of the time, especially when I'm at work. It completely replaced my traditional notebook and I felt that I'm more productive.
My iPad is truly my life link, I keep it with me at all times, I have found that I can make it run my TIVO which is way better than using the remote because the TIVO app keeps you full keyboard for searches and what not and I can control my recordings with out interrupting my show, I can plug the iPad in my truck and it plays my music and movies while on the road and the greatest part I no longer need a cell phone, I just use FaceTime and messaging while at work and on the road! I love my iPad best investment I have ever made!

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