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How to send to GROUPS with iPad Mail

This is probably going to confuse everyone. While reading many of the threads, I went and opened my Contacts. Ironically I have a red bookmark on the left labeled Groups. I tapped on it and it showed me all of my groups created. After looking more closely at the list I created those groups on my MacBook over a year ago. I am assuming it synced with the mini and that the rest is history. I am much faster at creating a group on the MacBook than I am yet on the mini. Just an FYI. Btw I just went and double checked if I can access the groups from creating a new email. Yes, I tapped on the + and the option appeared. :)
Hi thanks for this but can you tell me how do I edit the group once it is there in contacts on the iPad.
I have created a group but I want to delete a couple of them and when I press edit I can't get the lot up ?.
Hi thanks for this but can you tell me how do I edit the group once it is there in contacts on the iPad.
I have created a group but I want to delete a couple of them and when I press edit I can't get the lot up ?.


i'm not entirely sure if this was a MailShot question, but people do occasionally ask us this, so here goes...

  1. To change a group in Mailshot, just tap on the group name to change it (don't tap "edit" on that page -that is used to change the group name or position)
  2. Add a new contact, or if you have changed an email address in your address book, tap the contact's name and select the address you now wish to use.
  3. Tap "update" when you've finished making your changes.

If this does not answer your question, drop me a line on support@solubleapps.com.

A few useful tips for anyone passing by that is using MailShot or MailShot Pro:

Write your email first, then add the group. (This avoids an occasional bug in Mail that can alter a group if you switch apps)

Always address your emails to MailShot groups by tapping the blue "+" button in the "to:", "cc:" or "bcc:" lines of your email, and selecting it from your contact list. Don't type the group name directly in the address line. (This ensures that your device gives you the latest version of your group.)

if you need any further help, please drop us a line from the "Support" button in MailShot. We are always happy to help.
Or copy & paste your message to 'Groups' app in iPad after selecting all contacts in a group. Just tried and it worked. God bless us all! : )
Dude I've got the exact problem ! Single contacts appear instantly, but seems there has never been any Groups created in your address book! It's drivin' me crazy ... Haven't you found any solution yet ?

Download U contacts it is.fabulous

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