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How to send to GROUPS with iPad Mail

Thanks, this worked perfectly. And I used Ymail. I had sent an email using my desktop, then on iPad, I went to sent mail. Clicked on forward, and did the copy and paste into the contacts. Yeah!
Salbat said:
Thanks, this worked perfectly. And I used Ymail. I had sent an email using my desktop, then on iPad, I went to sent mail. Clicked on forward, and did the copy and paste into the contacts. Yeah!

How can I found out what the "this" is which worked perfectly?

I don't see how to scroll backwards through this thread. (the first thread I've read, being new here)
Either tap the 'previous page' button at the bottom left, or if you want to go right back to the beginning of the thread scroll up to the top of the page and tap on 'page 1' (or whichever page you want).
You need a workaround for sending group email? Ridiculous!

Sorry but this is REALLY STUPID. On my Android phone (NOT by choice, would rather have an iPhone, but...), sending group email is one of many choices. Come on APPLE. This should be VERY SIMPLE to do, especially since you are now selling iPad and iPhone as business devices.



iPF noob, maybe, but LONG TIME Apple user.
outlook doesn't sync groups

Hi I posted re Mailshot and syncing groups from OE, it was a dream and worked perfectly. BUT with Outlook it will not sync. Not Mailshot problem but Outlook.
Simply put if you have 'Groups' or 'Distribution Lists' in Outlook to neatly keep all relevant mail groups and then sync to Ipad Contacts the Groups are lost or at the very least not imported as Groups. This means that you cannot then simply transfer the Groups whilst on the ipad Contacts across to mailshot Groups.
This is a terrible error on behalf of the Outlook and a step backwards! OE allowed this as I explained on the thread and it was quite simple and neat. all my Groups (we have many groups for email lists. each car model has a different email distribution list) cannot be synced across from Outlook to ipad 'Contacts' and so the system seems to end there. Crazy like I say as it was ok before via OE. I have spent hours trying to work it around as Mailshot is excellent and lovely to use but Outlook not allowing Group Syncing to ipad has left me dead in the water.

$64,000 question ...has anyone got a workaround on how to sync a Group from Outlook to ipad and retain it as a Group on the ipad?

I bought the app MailShot and found it to be quite complicated so I experimented with my MAIL program on my 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] generation iPad and discovered I can send emails to groups without the app.
Create a name for the group and type the group’s name into your address book in the space for the last name. Ex. FRIENDS. I added the group on my computer and then sycned the address book on my computer to my iPad.
Then where you insert the Email address just keep typing the email addresses of all those in your group typing in a comma after each address and then a space before typing in the rest of the email addresses. . Do not include names just email addresses.
When you go to “Send†the email to this group of email addresses whether in the To: Cc or Bcc line you will get a message saying you have an “Invalid Addressâ€. Answer “Do you want to send anyway? By choosing “Sendâ€. If in fact all the addresses are valid the message will go. Have a nice day!
Mailshot fan

the advantage of Mailshot is that you do not have to type all of the individual email addresses to set up groups - you simply select group members from your contacts. this is very convenient when you have about 20 email groups to set up!!

it is entirely apple's fault that the group email option has not been available from the first generation iPad on...thankfully there are apps such as Mailshot. shame on you, apple...all the way to iPad 4 or whatever you're calling it. i call it sadly lacking in email efficiency.
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Capt Arty.
Im no whizzo on an ipad or similar but to use Mailshot was simple. Your alternative is very time consuming and totally unnecessary.
the problem i have with Mailshot is the Outlook and Ipad no longer Sync groups or distribution lists. A HUGE step backwards when the OE versions (which were before the recent Outlook) would sync groups and using Mailshot was then a walk in the park and an excellent app.
i still have it on my ipad2 hoping one day ipad / Outlook will get their act together and allow syncing again with outlook

Your iPad will easily send to multiple email addresses - but the interface allows only ONE email to be added to the send line at a time. I have figured out a way to put a GROUP list in the iPad contact program.

First off be aware that I am using GMAIL with the mail program. also note that I am NOT using any other applications other than came with the iPad. So I am using apple mail AND apple CONTACTS. You will also need to use apple NOTES to implement this technique.

My group technique:

Go to apple MAIL and send yourself a email to your iPad and on the cc line add ALL of the contacts in your address book. Since this is just to get the addresses all lined up correctly for you - you may just say HI to everyone and tell them you are setting up your iPad mail.

When the mail message comes back To your iPad it contains ALL of the addresses you are interested in GROUPING. Now follow this closely. NEXT FOWARD THIS MESSAGE to your iPad mail.

When it comes back as a forwarded message YOU WILL SEE THE EXPANDED EMAIL ADDRESSES in the body of the text.

Next COPY THESE EXPANDED EMAIL ADDRESSES and paste them in your notepad. NOTE - when you go to copy them make sure you get the magnifying glass and not the contact copy. To do this just put your finger over text before or after the addresses. Once the magnifier comes up use SELECT and drag the nibs over the entire collection of addresses. Then copy these into a temporary page in apple NOTES.

Go to apple NOTES and edit cleanly those addresses you want as a group. Then SELECT those addresses and COPY. The only reason I put them in NOTES is to facilitate easy editing of the addresses.

Next got to CONTACTS and create a new contact called - ALL FAMILY or ALL PRIVATE or ALL SCHOOL... You get the picture. Under the email for ALL FAMILY you will be copying JUST THOSE EMAIL ADDRESSES that you want grouped as FAMILY. When finished select DONE.

Next check it out and when you want to send a Email to your family use ALL FAMILY and it will Indeed be sent to everyone in your family.

I left the addresses in NOTES and cut and pasted several GROUPS and made a number of them in CONTACTS. It should save you time. It works really slick...

I hope you will find this useful...

First, I want to thank you for this.

If I ever decide to go through this convoluted exercise I'm sure I will find it useful in the end.

Thank you.

I love my iPad. BUT, I Cannot believe at this point in order to send a group email we have to do something as complex and ridiculous as this. Sending a group email on an android phone three or four versions of the software ago, Was (and I'm sure still is) a very very simple single button operation. Choose a group, choose the type of message you want to send (text or email) and away you go. Very very simple, and I am absolutely shocked That I still cannot do this on any of my Apple devices. Like I said I love all of my Apple stuff, All working in concert, syncing flawlessly with one another etc. But like I said, I really really can't believe that sending group messages requires such a ridiculously convoluted solution.
Schreibs, you are 100% correct, it is Apple's screw up by not including group mail.. BUT...Think about how much more money Apple is making by not having included it....The commission or cut on everyone who buys Mailshot...You are not telling me that Apple collects the money and doesn't take out a commission of sorts. I am not a Geek when it comes to the iPad and what was very frustrating when using the App Mailshot was the button "Update". There was no explanation for its purpose and when I clicked on it all the names and addresses in my address book went into each separate group that I had created. Then I found some names were not in the groups when I started all over again. I just gave up, glad you love it. Have a wonderful day.:)
Capt Arty and Others,

I don't believe the problem rests with Mailshot, like i said when i used it with O/Express id was simple and A1 app. I wrote a detailed 'how to' back on this thread that worked perfectly and was simply to update. The problem (as I see it) is getting the groups in group format from your main computer to the ipad. Once you have the groups or email lists on the contacts within ipad it is a walk in the park and just a few clicks to put them as groups neatly on Mailshot for email sending.
so i think it a little incorrect or unfair to point anyway towards Mailshot for the incompetence of ipad when it comes to being able to import a simple email group list.
if you have the groups sitting neatly on your main computer and you want to import them as the same groups onto Contacts on your ipad it seems impossible. THAT is the problem. On OE it could be done but for some odd reason later editions (outlook etc) the ipad doesn't do it, so its not like the technology isn't there, it is and indeed was able. If you can import onto the ipad contacts the emails as they are in groups on your main computer the rest is simple. At the moment when you sync ipad contacts with your main computer it imports all as a simple bundle of email addresses.

This is a major headache and only ipad / outlook & others can sort that part out. (unless someone else can figure out how to overcome the obstacle?)

Have a great Day Guys

One additional problem I had was if the same name and email address was listed in another group I could figure out how to have the same person in multiple groups. I could not get rid of the message telling me that those names in red were in another group. END OF REPORT...NO MORE DISCUSSION. THANKS

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