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How to send to GROUPS with iPad Mail

import gmail groups to IPAD

I've read all the threads, looked at all the apps, and have found what appears to be the easiest way to download your email groups. Shame on google and apple for not making this a more simple process.

1. Access your gmail account on a Mac or PC.
2. Create a new label (folder) called Groups.
3. Go to compose mail. Select a group (make sure it includes yourself), put the group name in the subject line (e.g. FAMILY) and the words "ignore this email" if you like, and send it.
4. Put this email in your Groups folder. It will appear on your IPAD.
5. Go to this email and select "reply all" whenever you want to send a new email to your group. The original email with the particular group remains in your Groups label (folder), and you can send an email to this group whenever you like.

THE ONLY DRAWBACK IS THAT EVERYONE IN YOUR GROUP IS ON THE SEND LINE. I prefer to send things bcc, and I have not figured out a way to do this.
The default email client on the iPad offers a second line for CC /BCC . To expose the BCC line, tap on the CC/BCC, which will change the display for CC or BCC addressing.
Creating Group from GMail

Using Gmail you can create a group on your iPad without "spamming" the people in your group.

On a PC (using Google Chrome): First create the group you want in GMail. Then compose a message to your group. After you enter the group name in the To: line, the group name will expand to display the email addresses in the group. Copy the entire contents of the To: and move them to the body of the message. Put your email address in the To: line, thus sending the list to yourself.

When you get the email message on your iPad copy the body of the message (the list of email addresses) and then you can create the single contact "My Group Name" and paste the list into a single email address.

I also tried this directly on my iPad. I used Safari to browse to Google and then navigated to GMail. I composed a new message, selecting my group in the To: field. Even though the group name was not replaced by the list of individual email addresses, while selecting the group name, I did see the list. I was able to select all text and copy the list. I then pasted it into the body of the mail. I got some extra text - the name of the group at the top and the words "Remove" and "Cancel" at the bottom, but some simple text editing trimmed these off. Now copy the list again and paste it into the single contact as described previously.

Using atomic browser for gmail groups

Open desktop version of gmail, cursor in To: box and type name of group, group will need to be set up in gmail on your PC beforehand
I have an app for that!

MailShot, uses a similar technique to the original poster's, and is the first app to set up and manage large email distribution lists for you, .

You can email the groups you create here directly from inside an app, as simply as emailing a single contact. (i.e. It doesn't only email from itself like the previous mail group apps out there.).

You can send attachments, use the group in the BCC line etc. etc. its actually pretty powerful.

Free on the appstore at the moment in a promotional version, so no excuse not to try it out, with an IAP
to handle up to 50 different groups of up to 50 people each.

More info on my website.

Finally! Thank you for MailShot.

Thank you! Just tested and bought your app and left a positive review. You've truly made my life a lot easier and my IPad a lot more useful. All I can think of for now, for a slight improvement, would an easy way to alphabetize the created group list so I can make sure I got everybody.
Works for me. Suggested it to a friend for larger groups and she bought it qnd finds it works easily and well.

My workaround

This is what I did and it works. I am assuming you already have your Groups set up in Gmail on your desktop.

1. Launch the Google mobile app in iPad and go into Gmail (it will open in Mobile View as the default).
2. Switch to Desktop View.
3. Type in the Group Name in the To, CC or BCC space – it will appear in your auto-pick list. Then go ahead and type in your message header.
4. You CAN'T compose the actual message body in Desktop View (not sure why). So you need to save it as a Draft and then exit out of the app.
5. Relaunch the Google mobile app and get into Gmail again - Mobile View will open as before. If you are in the Inbox, click on Menu and then on Drafts. Click on the draft you just saved, then click on Edit Draft. From there you can type in the body of your message and then send it.

I find this easier - because you can just directly access your Gmail groups instead of having to cut, paste and constantly update. It works for me.
I'd like to add my thanks for MailShot. In fact, I liked it so much that I upgraded to the paid version.

So easy to create/use groups. Makes life easier...

Thanks again.


Thanks very much to the guys (and quite a few girls) who took the time to post kind words here about Mailshot, its much appreciated.

There's a new version on the way in a week or so (which fixes some issues when using it from Mail) and one of the things I've done in this time is made it easier for people to get in touch for help, spread the word about the app if they like it, or rate it on the app store, as word of mouth is so important nowadays.

Thanks again

Thanks Ingislide ...

I tried your suggestion and it worked, so a lot of time saving switching back and forth between the two modes.

I also saved the Gmail Desktop mode to my iPad Home Screen make sending group emails even faster.
Contact list

When you are creating a new contact enter the first email address of the first person in the group followed by a comma and then a space and then the second address and repeat for as many addresses as you want. It may also be easier to copy and paste all of the email addresses in your note pad and then edit them there then copy and paste the entire document into the email text box when creating your contact list in the contacts app. I used it on my iPad and my iPhone for six different contact lists, one containing as few as two email addresses and another containing as many as twenty two.

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