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Welcome to all the new members!! This is a great place to be to learn about your new iPad!!

Sent from my Tricked Out Glittery Verizon Black 32GB iPhone 4 Tethered to iPad 2 w IOS 5.1 Update From NYC!!! using iPF
Hey everyone. I too have been lurking about and recently purchased the new iPad. Also have the Motorola Xoom. They are both great devices, however the new iPad is my tablet of choice.
Hi to all and welcome to the Forum!

The IPad Forum is a community of members from all walks of life and from all over the world coming together to share our experiences and to help each other learn about this wonderful piece of technology the Ipad. There is a wealth of information already here in the many threads we have so doing some searches will answer most of the questions you have. If then you cannot find the answer you are seeking then by all means post your question. There are many friendly and informed members here only too willing to help you.

We also have our own App - It is a very simple app to navigate.
Reading the IPad manual is a great place to start so please download a copy of these.
2 very informative threads from which you will learn many tips and shortcuts for the IPad.
We have rules like any Community so please read these also

Once again we welcome you here and are so pleased you have joined us!
Hi everyone, this is a great forum. I'm interested in books, apps, and how to's for the iPad. I am the Social Maven for Trailer Park Publishing. I hope to learn a lot as well.
Hello I'm daft from nj. iPad 2 32g. I joined this forum for basic work throughs that other iPad users have found to problems that I have not yet encountered. Thanks for having me
Hi Dozzi from Sydney, Australia here. I'm looking forward to finding all the answers here to everything iPad, which is the greatest invention since sliced bread IMO.
Alright Paul from a wet and miserable England here,looking at getting an iPad 2 or 3 in next few weeks.Just want it for surfing so looking forward to using this forum
Hello all, from FL but working in Iraq. Got an ipad2 and soon will get an ipad3. Have some questions about them so thought where better to go?
Hi to all and welcome to the Forum!

The IPad Forum is a community of members from all walks of life and from all over the world coming together to share our experiences and to help each other learn about this wonderful piece of technology the Ipad. There is a wealth of information already here in the many threads we have so doing some searches will answer most of the questions you have. If then you cannot find the answer you are seeking then by all means post your question. There are many friendly and informed members here only too willing to help you.

We also have our own App - It is a very simple app to navigate.
Reading the IPad manual is a great place to start so please download a copy of these.
2 very informative threads from which you will learn many tips and shortcuts for the IPad.
We have rules like any Community so please read these also

Once again we welcome you here and are so pleased you have joined us!
Hey, I have just joined the forum because I have wanted an iPad for a while and now my work are doing a competition to get the most likes for the company. If anyone would be so kind as to like my facebook page - Edited by Moderator - no social networking links, please read the forum rules - then I have a large chance of winning :) Thank you!
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Hi My name is Jon.

I am totally new to the iStuff world as my previous devices were either Android / Nokias / Windows. I finally gave in and purchased a 32GB iPad 3 [or New iPad]. I love it so far but am still clue-less as to what apps are considered essentials and the power of the device. I am a bit of a geek and like to push every device I own to it's full potential.


I'm defkon1 from Malaysia, just got the new iPad for myself . Has got an iPhone 4 and always wanted to get the iPad! Still Wondering why did I get the new iPad when the ipad2 itself doesnt have a huge difference, sometime I felt that I've made the wrong purchased. Anyway Im a newbie in this forum, and HI everyone.

defkon1 said:
I'm defkon1 from Malaysia, just got the new iPad for myself . Has got an iPhone 4 and always wanted to get the iPad! Still Wondering why did I get the new iPad when the ipad2 itself doesnt have a huge difference, sometime I felt that I've made the wrong purchased. Anyway Im a newbie in this forum, and HI everyone.


Welcome to the forum. There are a number of threads that go into the reasons to get the new iPad over the ipad2. I'll just say that if you actually use the screen of the iPad then you did not make a mistake.

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