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Hi to all and welcome to the Forum!

The IPad Forum is a community of members from all walks of life and from all over the world coming together to share our experiences and to help each other learn about this wonderful piece of technology the Ipad. There is a wealth of information already here in the many threads we have so doing some searches will answer most of the questions you have. If then you cannot find the answer you are seeking then by all means post your question. There are many friendly and informed members here only too willing to help you.

We also have our own App - It is a very simple app to navigate.
Tutorial for our App
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Reading the IPad manual is a great place to start so please download a copy of these.
3 very informative threads from which you will learn many tips and shortcuts for the IPad.
We have rules like any Community so please read these also

Once again we welcome you here and are so pleased you have joined us!
Hi people. I have an ipad and convinced my 60+ mother to get one too. Since then she has sold the idea to my father who also has one (he's 80+). No other piece of technology has engaged them as much as this has. My mother actually googles things herself now instead of trying to get me to do it for her. It's made them much more confident in engaging with other technology too. I never expected this, and it is rad.
New owner of iPad 4 here. I have had it for
A few days and I enjoy it a lot.i know it's not the fancy new air but it's nice. Looking
For nice protective case for it now. I
Love listening with my Bluetooth speaker
Hi Everyone! Longtime member of iPhone forums, but just got my first iPad (air). I'm still playing around with it and figuring out where it fits in my electronic scheme! I've been slowly moving over to apple from windows (new iMac this year), but am clinging on for dear life to my Windows 7 laptop. LOL!
Hi Everyone! Longtime member of iPhone forums, but just got my first iPad (air). I'm still playing around with it and figuring out where it fits in my electronic scheme! I've been slowly moving over to apple from windows (new iMac this year), but am clinging on for dear life to my Windows 7 laptop. LOL!
Welcome to iPad Forums from a fellow iPhone Forums member. I'm sure you'll love your new iPad.
i am manzanaz (as in mansanas filipino word for Apple- my nickname)
got my ipad3 32gb through saving in my piggy bank :) last year
quite dismayed when Apple made me feel that this version of ipad is a mistake when they introduced a new one after ipad hasnt been out for a year.
i use it mostly in my office work (numbers & pages)
i play games with it, my fave is hayday and also family famr seaside ( the only app i play with my sister using android)
i joined cuz love to read mostly great ideas from ipadforum. gives more ways of making the most out of my ipad3
i am manzanaz (as in mansanas filipino word for Apple- my nickname)
got my ipad3 32gb through saving in my piggy bank :) last year
quite dismayed when Apple made me feel that this version of ipad is a mistake when they introduced a new one after ipad hasnt been out for a year.
i use it mostly in my office work (numbers & pages)
i play games with it, my fave is hayday and also family famr seaside ( the only app i play with my sister using android)
i joined cuz love to read mostly great ideas from ipadforum. gives more ways of making the most out of my ipad3

Hello manzanaz and welcome to the forum. Isn't it great. You and I and many thousands of others own an iPad that doesn't exist anymore, and apparently has never existed;). Seems exciting somehow, owning a ghost iPad that works so wonderfully. Hope you enjoy yours as much as I do mine:)

Sent from Oz using Tapatalk

I have a new iPad air with a Zagg keyboard. We use the iPad extensively when traveling to generate electronic postcards with our daily photos that are BCC to friends. We retired recently and are trying to learn how to best use our mobile devices, including the iPad and iPhones. Currently I am sorting out issues with the Zagg keyboard.

I have been using iPhone for about 5 years and iPad2 for about 3 years.
I love Apple for design, ease of use etc.
But I use DELL Windows8 PC as desktop for interoperability, easy files exchange etc.
Joined this forum, as I was looking for answers on voice calling and text messaging outside Apple ecosystems.
Looking forward to learn from the gurus.
Best to all of you.
K.V. Ramani
Hi, I have been using iPhone for about 5 years and iPad2 for about 3 years. I love Apple for design, ease of use etc. But I use DELL Windows8 PC as desktop for interoperability, easy files exchange etc. Joined this forum, as I was looking for answers on voice calling and text messaging outside Apple ecosystems. Looking forward to learn from the gurus. Best to all of you. K.V. Ramani
Hi K.V. Ramani and welcome to the forum. I'm not sure if it was intentional but you made another identical post in this thread the following day, which post has now been deleted. Please do not duplicate posts as that may lead to confusion as to which post to answer and can fragment a discussion. Thanks and enjoy the forum!
It is also been brought to our attention that about the same time in the iPad2 forum, within a matter of minutes, you also made two posts asking for an app related to voice calling and text messaging. That second post has also been deleted. We again ask that you take particular note not to duplicate posts in this manner.
The OB
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