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Raindrops on my umbrella.
Well, we've been getting more into spices and have the bottles stored in multiple sites in the kitchen, including a spice rack that I made of oak years ago; however, size limits the number of bottles.

SO, decided to build a new one; same height & width but an inch deeper allowing for nearly double the storage - made from ambrosia maple (i.e. a stressed or dying maple invaded by the ambrosia beetle, i.e. the little holes and discolored by its symbiotic fungus) - couple pics below (had to use non-flash so not great but the wood is beautiful!). :)
Our 'new' Maltese grand dog, Brody, has just been groomed (his eyes are now showing!) and is ready to meet us - going to Indianapolis in mid-October for a visit - looking forward to LOTS of attention which we've never gotten from the two cats - BTW, after a few 'tense' weeks the cats seem use to the dog - :)
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