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Great photos!
Thank you! I am a retired Naval photographer and have always loved taking pictures. Seems like everything I see is a potential snap. I’ve seen some great shots you’ve posted here too. One of the things I love about this thread is seeing photos from all over the states and the world. I hope everyone and their families that celebrates it…has the very best and safest of Thanksgivings.🙂
Well, pretty cold for me! 🥶 Not sure that I've seen below zero (in Fº) living in Piedmont, North Carolina in all my years here. HOWEVER, growing up in Michigan, I remember catching the school bus when the temps were similar out (fortunately not too often). Dave :)

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Same here in Raleigh. And yes, growing up in upstate NY, I am very familiar with cold winters. Couldn't care less if I never see another snowflake.😏🤭😊
Well, pretty cold for me! 🥶 Not sure that I've seen below zero (in Fº) living in Piedmont, North Carolina in all my years here. HOWEVER, growing up in Michigan, I remember catching the school bus when the temps were similar out (fortunately not too often). Dave :)

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Same here in Raleigh. And yes, growing up in upstate NY, I am very familiar with cold winters. Couldn't care less if I never see another snowflake.😏🤭😊

I’ve seen it where we can get several consecutive weeks where the daily high is lower than -30°C.

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