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imovie on ipad2 can ONLY edit ipad videos

For what it's worth, I've got video from my zi8 working on iMovie2 for iPad/iPhone, WITHOUT using an intermediary PD/MAC

I installed FFMPEG onto my iPad via Cydia, and from the command line via the iSSH app, I did the following:

* for the WGA video, I did a video passthrough, but resampled the audio at 44100:

ffmpeg -i 944_0798.MOV -vcodec copy -acodec libfaac -ac 2 -ar 44100 -ab 128k output.MOV

rm 944_0798.MOV

mv output.MOV 944_0798.MOV

This worked like a charm, and the video clip then imported into iMovie for iPad flawlessly.

* for the 720p video, I lowered the bitrate (to match the WGA bitrate) *and* resampled the audio. This was slow as molasses (2 frames per sec in the conversion), and the resulting video looked like crap (granted, I'm not super familiar with ffmpeg, so my settings may be off), but the crappy result BOTH played in the photos app *and* imported into iMovie2.

For now, though I'll just shoot in WGA and resample the audio, as that is feasible directly on the iPad.

Maybe someone can run with this, or write a simple app for Cydia that automates these conversions????-Tim
Well still no Cydia on the iPad 2 so I gave your parameter a try on my PC, using the FFE front-end and sure enough my Sony HX5V 720p MP4 with 48Khz AAC got quickly converted to 44.1Khz. I then used the SD kit (mp4 was put inside \dcim) and it got imported ok and then iMovie saw it. Looks like I can without the FLIP. It's still tempting because Amazon has the MinoHD 4Gb version for $71 these days.
Right, although only the iPad 2 and Flip MinoHD let you access the files directly from the iPad 2, with the USB adapter for the Mino HD. With an iPhone or an iPod you'd need to transfer them to your computer first. Presumably the best video would be made by the MinoHD too.

Not necessarily. The iPhone has a higher resolution sensor. And there are iPhone apps that give complete manual control over white balance, focus, and exposure which keep the image settings from floating around during shooting. The Flip is all automatic.
It's been a few month since I looked into this. Has anything replaced the Flip Mino HD as being the only plug and play (and edit) video caemra compatible with the iPad 2?

I used the Flip Mino Hd for a couple of weeks but returned it. I didn't think I an expensive device should crash as much as it did. It did work perfectly with the iPad 2 though. I'm going on a 4 day trip would like to know if the pc-less situation has improved. Thanks.
iOS based iMovie is designed to work with video recorded with iPad 2, iPhone 4, and iPod touch (4th generation). After importing non-Apple video clips to iPad 2, iPhone 4, or iPod touch (4th generation), the video clips will not appear in the video browser within iMovie.

In order to import videos captured from other camcorder to iMovie for iPad 2, iPhone 4 and iPod Touch, we need to convert them to iMovie for iOS supported format

Just google search Camcorder to iMovie - Import Camcorder Video to iMovie for iPhone 4, iPad 2 and iPod Touch

you will find a step by step guide on how to do that
I found the web page for instructions but has software only for Mac. I have a pc. How to import movies for iMovie on iPad from a pc and have iMovie see them?
it seems it only can edit the videos recorded by iPad...:(

Videos taken with the iPhone 4 and transferred with the Camera Connection Kit also work. My recommendation is to take an iPad video, transfer it to a computer, and analyze it's settings. If you can duplicate them exactly, and copy them to the Photos app through iTune's Photo syncing (I've done that part), it might work.
twerppoet said:
Videos taken with the iPhone 4 and transferred with the Camera Connection Kit also work. My recommendation is to take an iPad video, transfer it to a computer, and analyze it's settings. If you can duplicate them exactly, and copy them to the Photos app through iTune's Photo syncing (I've done that part), it might work.

In an answer you sent me about iMovie I am sure what you are talking about. I don't see a box-arrow. When I go to my mac computer I can't find camera roll. I know iMovie automatically saves project its saving it another file or folder I want to do so I can find it on my MacBook pro.
Hi There I had this problem too with Videos from my holiday in June This as baffled me but I wasnt going to give up that easy anyway I succeeded in transferring my videos to imovie yippee. all I did was to download a programme called sothink video convertor change the encoding to Ipad and then in the right hand col to H264/avc after this just transfer the vids to your photos folder that you sync to in intunes for your Ipad I was under the impression that the vids had to appear in the camera roll but mine dont they appear separatley in my photos app I then checked my imovie app hey presto they were there and I ahve succedfully finish my first Imovie video.the only snag about this programme with it being the free version you get a small watermark in the bottom righthand corner.but if it works it may beworth buying the programme hope this helps you
Well, I am pretty sure you are not able to edit videos from your video camera. But if you have an iPhone I am pretty sure with iOS 5 and iCloud you will be able to take video on one and edit on your iPad, vice-versa.
jcpete said:
In an answer you sent me about iMovie I am sure what you are talking about. I don't see a box-arrow. When I go to my mac computer I can't find camera roll. I know iMovie automatically saves project its saving it another file or folder I want to do so I can find it on my MacBook pro.

It is the icon share icon. It looks like a box with an arrow comming out of it. You see it at the bottom of the screen in the projects view in iMovie on the iPad; the one that looks like a theater bilboard.

With that icon you can save the movie to the Camera Roll, or even to iTunes using the File Sharing feature. http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4094

The movie gets encoded if you go the Camera Roll or other export. With the iTunes route it is the project (I'm pretty sure) and you can import and edit it in iMovie on the Mac.

To get to the contents of the camera roll you can use iPhoto, or the Image Capture programs.

IMovie o the Mac stores it's projects in the Movies folder under in your user area. If you dont see it in the Finder select your user name, it should be a subfolder. I believe you have to start at least on projrct for it to be created, though maybe there is a demo project. It has been so lon I am not sure.

I'm not completely sure I understood your question, so if my answere seems a bit scatter shot it is because I was trying to cover all the possibilities. Sorry if I still missed the mark.
After agonizing over not being able to add talking Tom cat videos to my iMovie last night I found an alternative solution. I tried reel director and it works. It has more features and is a bit more complicated though somewhat less friendly than iMovie but it works.
mpopovits said:
After agonizing over not being able to add talking Tom cat videos to my iMovie last night I found an alternative solution. I tried reel director and it works. It has more features and is a bit more complicated though somewhat less friendly than iMovie but it works.

I also prefer RD to iMovie but apparently is no longer supported as I have emailed on several occasions. RD has more fonts and placement variations of text vs iMovie that has more sound fx. I use both....first edit the vid with custom text/placement in RD then import into iMovie to attach music and sound fx and output in 720p to camera roll/YouTube which RD doesn't.
Also have a look at splice, movie editor, which is nice.
Hmmm, that ryhmed...wish I could do that all the time. O.o
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twerppoet said:
It is the icon share icon. It looks like a box with an arrow comming out of it. You see it at the bottom of the screen in the projects view in iMovie on the iPad; the one that looks like a theater bilboard.

With that icon you can save the movie to the Camera Roll, or even to iTunes using the File Sharing feature. http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4094

The movie gets encoded if you go the Camera Roll or other export. With the iTunes route it is the project (I'm pretty sure) and you can import and edit it in iMovie on the Mac.

To get to the contents of the camera roll you can use iPhoto, or the Image Capture programs.

IMovie o the Mac stores it's projects in the Movies folder under in your user area. If you dont see it in the Finder select your user name, it should be a subfolder. I believe you have to start at least on projrct for it to be created, though maybe there is a demo project. It has been so lon I am not sure.

I'm not completely sure I understood your question, so if my answere seems a bit scatter shot it is because I was trying to cover all the possibilities. Sorry if I still missed the mark.

I found it the box arrow you were talking about. Still learning lingo. It worked. Haven't had a chance to go back to my computer to check iTunes and see if save is there. But I am sure it is. Found some newer apps that have been helpful with editing videos as well.
If I'm right about how it exports to iTunes, you won't find the movie in the usual place, and it won't be a movie. You'll need to connect your iPad and go the File Sharing section under the Apps page. The file should be a project that you can copy to and open in the Mac version of iMovie.

Or I could be wrong. I've never done it.

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