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imovie on ipad2 can ONLY edit ipad videos

I am having a similar problem. Is there any way of viewing unsupported video files saved on your sd card on your iPad? Is there an app that will convert there unsupported videos to the correct format and resolution? I don't have access to a laptop or computer, is there any way of solving this without first converting via computer.
I have a question.....I've shot some footage on my ipad2 and have edited on iMovie on my ipad2 but can't work out how to pass the edited version on to my mate. It's to big to email and I have no idea how else to get it from one person to the next....any ideas?
I have a question.....I've shot some footage on my ipad2 and have edited on iMovie on my ipad2 but can't work out how to pass the edited version on to my mate. It's to big to email and I have no idea how else to get it from one person to the next....any ideas?

You can post it to You Tube to be viewed there or is he has an iPhone or iPad, you can share directly to that with Wifi or Bluetooth using an ap like Photosync.
Working in iMovie...Two questions: 1. Only some of my iTunes songs uploaded to iMovie. How do I get all to upload? 2. I am trying to include a video clip that someone sent me from their iPhone. It is the only video that won't upload to iMovie, i can view it in my photos. Any suggestions?

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