iPF Noob
I'm starting not to like iPad autocorrect, looking back at some of the words in my
Sent from my Jailbroken IPad on 4.2.1 ;-)
Sent from my Jailbroken IPad on 4.2.1 ;-)
I've imported the video files from over 10 cameras and the only camcorder (that I own) that has footage that will work directly in iMovie is the Flip Ultra HD. So I analysed the video files from both the XACTI and the Flip on my Mac to work out the difference. Both are H.264 MP4 files and both have AAC audio. There seemed not to be any difference between the two. HOWEVER, when I looked more closely I discovered where they differed. The Flip records audio at 44.1KHz and the XACTI (all of the XACTI's) record at 48KHz. Could that be the problem? Next test was a strip the audio from the file on the XACTI and re-import it on the iPad to see what happens. Success! OK so there's no audio but the imported mute video appears right away in iMovie. So it looks like iMovie and only use video where the audio is recorded at 44.1? The bad news for me is that I cant change the audio recording mode on the XACTI and, worse still, it looks like almost every other HD camcorder records at 48KHz.
Is there a webcam for ipad
Ouch, but good to know. To bad Apple has washed it's hands of any responsibility there by retro actively saying it only works with video recorded on iOS devices. This seems like a coding thing they could deal with clearly.
Sorry for the OT, but does that mean you can plug in a webcam on a JB iPad 1 ? That would be interesting for Skype, need to investigate...As far as I know there is no WebCam addon for a non-jailbroken iPad 1.
This is the best analysis I've read so far about using other video files on the iPad:
Importing video in to iMovie for iPad - how to video
I've imported the video files from over 10 cameras and the only camcorder (that I own) that has footage that will work directly in iMovie is the Flip Ultra HD. So I analysed the video files from both the XACTI and the Flip on my Mac to work out the difference. Both are H.264 MP4 files and both have AAC audio. There seemed not to be any difference between the two. HOWEVER, when I looked more closely I discovered where they differed. The Flip records audio at 44.1KHz and the XACTI (all of the XACTI's) record at 48KHz. Could that be the problem? Next test was a strip the audio from the file on the XACTI and re-import it on the iPad to see what happens. Success! OK so there's no audio but the imported mute video appears right away in iMovie. So it looks like iMovie and only use video where the audio is recorded at 44.1? The bad news for me is that I cant change the audio recording mode on the XACTI and, worse still, it looks like almost every other HD camcorder records at 48KHz.
Plus, it's a matter of liability. Apple has to support these apps so they only "officially" support iOS video shot by their devices. Once they offer a built-in way to transcode any video format they are stating that their app is suitable for that and will have to offer support for the thousands of people trying to import video from dozens of flavors of dozens of formats. They can't do that for a $4.95 app and be profitable.
At least they left the door open for us to do it on our own easily. They could have tagged their video so that nothing else would work even with transcoding.
Sorry for the OT, but does that mean you can plug in a webcam on a JB iPad 1 ? That would be interesting for Skype, need to investigate...As far as I know there is no WebCam addon for a non-jailbroken iPad 1.
this is a little off-topic, but do you have to buy iMovie or is it pre-installed with the iPad 2?
It's a question of the camera meeting the narrow range that iMovie will accept.
It sounds like it only takes .m4v files with no more the 44.1KHz audio, at resolutions no greater then... what 720p(? VGA (640x480)?