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iOS 5 and 5.0.1 Upgrade Troubleshooting


iPF Noob
Having trouble updating your iPad to the new iOS 5 software? You're not alone but the good news is, it will work...eventually. Note most of these tips apply to upgrading to iOS 5.0.1 as well.

Lost network connections and timeouts are almost always the issue. Apple's server load is returning to normal so if you're still having problems upgrading, it's possible there's a problem on your end.

First of all, don't give up! I and millions of others have updated our iPads and other iDevices to iOS 5 just fine so it can be done. Understand that the data and time required to update an iPad is much greater than an iPhone or an iPod. Backups of apps and restoring backups can take a while depending on the server load as well as your Internet connection and broadband speed.

Also keep in mind that this is a full upgrade meaning that all of your data will be backed up and then removed from your iPad, iOS 5 will be downloaded and installed, all of your data will then be restored. This all happens over the Internet so it can be timely and again, how fast is largely dependent on Apple's server load but more so on the speed of your broadband connection. Have some patience but most importantly, do not interrupt the process at any point. Let it run until it is finished. If you interrupt the upgrade you could corrupt or lose data causing your iPad to not perform properly.

These troubleshooting tips are posted in a number of areas on the forum, so I thought it would be helpful to have them all in one place.

iTunes - Be certain you've updated to iTunes 10.5.1 as it is required prior to upgrading your device to iOS 5.

  • Try quiting and relaunching iTunes.
iPad - Be sure your iPad is fully charged. This is a full upgrade, not incremental and can take hours to complete depending on server loads as well as your broadband speeds.

  • Reset the iPad: You can do this by pressing the Home button and the Sleep/wake button on the top the iPad's case and holding them down together for at least 10 seconds, until you see the Apple logo. The iPad should then reset itself. Try updating again. More here:
iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Turning off and on (restarting) and resetting

USB - Connect your iPad directly to a USB port on your computer, not a hub, etc. using the original iPad USB/30 pin cable.

Virus Protection - Turn off any virus protection programs. (They can often interrupt connections, downloads, etc.)

- If at all possible use an Ethernet connection from your computer to your network, not WiFi. The stability is far better as is the speed. Avoid using your broadband connection for other purposes during the upgrade if at all possible.

  • Reboot your modem/router; disconnect the power, wait a few minutes for the cache to clear and plug it back in. Wait a few more minutes for all network connections to be established.
  • If you have to upgrade using WiFi avoid network interference from wireless phones (both cell and in-home), metal barriers, other wi-fi signals, microwaves, etc. and place your computer as close to the wireless modem/router as possible.
  • If you're comfortable checking your modem's settings, look at your firewall settings (it's okay to turn your firewall off for this as long as you're only connecting to Apple servers) and ensure that the ports iTunes uses, TCP ports 123 and 3689 as well as UDP ports 123 and 5353 are open and accessible. A majority of folks won't need to go this far, but for some users that may have tweaked their settings, this may be the issue.
iPad Not Responsive - If your iPad suffers data corruption and will not boot up you can try restoring from your backup or to factory settings:

iTunes: Backing up, updating, and restoring your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch software

Manual Upgrade: iDevices can be upgraded manually for those comfortable doing that. Follow the instructions on this thread:


Here are some additional tips if your iPad still won't update:

iPad: Unable to update or restore

Updating Your Device to iOS 5

Remember error codes in the 50 and 3000 range are generally due to a lost/timed out connection. Ensure that there's nothing on your end that would slow down or interrupt your broadband connection.

It's nice to have the features iOS 5 offers but it's certainly not key to your iPad (or any iDevice) running normally.

POST UPGRADE: Some folks have experienced some odd behavior, slowing of some apps, etc. after upgrading. Many of these issues have been resolved by resetting the iPad.

  • Reset the iPad: You can do this by pressing the Home button and the Sleep/wake button on the top the iPad's case and holding them down together for at least 10 seconds, until you see the Apple logo. The iPad should then reset itself. The boot up process takes a few minutes and then the iPad should be responsive again.
More here:

iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Turning off and on (restarting) and resetting

If you have tips (not just complaints) about how you upgraded successfully, don't hesitate to post! We'll be happy to add them to this list. :)

Hope that helps and hang in there!
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i saw your link for the direct downloads for updating the apple firmware, i clicked the link and looked at the ipad 2 but it only had apple iphone links, i dont have an iphone yet not till i upgrade my contract on the phone that i have and as i cannot do anything to upgrade my ipad 2 to the ios 5 is there anything you can tell me.
I have tried all ways to download, i have reset the pad i have used the ethernet cable and i have downloaded only then it said it was still timing out even with the cable so i am at a total loss, sorry to be a pain.
Thank you x
i saw your link for the direct downloads for updating the apple firmware, i clicked the link and looked at the ipad 2 but it only had apple iphone links, i dont have an iphone yet not till i upgrade my contract on the phone that i have and as i cannot do anything to upgrade my ipad 2 to the ios 5 is there anything you can tell me.
I have tried all ways to download, i have reset the pad i have used the ethernet cable and i have downloaded only then it said it was still timing out even with the cable so i am at a total loss, sorry to be a pain.
Thank you x
Sorry to hear that things are still not working. The iOS 5 firmware downloads are the same for the iPhone, etc. If you want to try that method, just find your particular iPad model in the list.

If you have tried everything above and still haven't had any success upgrading to iOS 5 you could wait a few more days, make an appointment for help at a nearby Apple store or contact Apple Support:

Apple - Support - iPad - Contact Support

Apple - Support - Contact Support

Contacting Apple for support and service
After trying to download the upgrade about 10 times, over the past few days, I started searching on Internet for an answer. Turning off/disabling my anti virus software worked first time for me. Also ensure your iPad is fully charged up.
After trying to download the upgrade about 10 times, over the past few days, I started searching on Internet for an answer. Turning off/disabling my anti virus software worked first time for me. Also ensure your iPad is fully charged up.
As noted in the original post...good advice. :thumbs:
I am waiting at least 2 weeks to upgrade to iOS 5 after reading about all these problems. It seems to me there should be a better way for installing this update, perhaps from a cd or some type of physical media.... it would be horrible to not be able to use my ipad! or my ipod touch either!:(
Tough to fold up a CD and squeeze it into an iPad. Kidding. :) However the day of physical media (CD's, etc.) is just about over for these sorts of things.

It's unfortunate that some have had trouble, and almost all of the trouble has been with sever overload...just too many people for the resources it seems. Having said that, tens of millions of folks have now upgraded their iDevices without any issues.

Waiting for things to calm down is never a bad option. It also allows for any bugs to be ironed out as well. So not a bad idea...couldn't hurt as they say. :thumbs:
Been trying to locate the 'split keyboard' feature in ios5 with no luck, likely my own stupidity is blinding me - any help appreciated :)
ipadbraincell said:
Been trying to locate the 'split keyboard' feature in ios5 with no luck, likely my own stupidity is blinding me - any help appreciated :)

Put two fingers on the keyboard then split them or touch and hold the keyboard icon (bottom right) when the keyboard pops up.

The Archangel
Gabriel1 said:
Put two fingers on the keyboard then split them or touch and hold the keyboard icon (bottom right) when the keyboard pops up.

The Archangel

Thanks G,

I went in the apple site read I thought everything including disclaimers and copywrite :).

Is there a list or a manual of these newer ios5 commands anywhere? I've spent ages looking for iMessages, only to eventually discover it was under the same old 'message' icon (dogh!).
ipadbraincell said:
Thanks G,

I went in the apple site read I thought everything including disclaimers and copywrite :).

Is there a list or a manual of these newer ios5 commands anywhere? I've spent ages looking for iMessages, only to eventually discover it was under the same old 'message' icon (dogh!).

Not sure if they are listed in the iPad User Guide For iOS 5 but it's available for free in the iBook Store.

The Archangel
ipadbraincell said:
Thanks G,

I went in the apple site read I thought everything including disclaimers and copywrite :).

Is there a list or a manual of these newer ios5 commands anywhere? I've spent ages looking for iMessages, only to eventually discover it was under the same old 'message' icon (dogh!).

Just tried it, reminds me if the 'melted' M$ ergonomic keyboards, not sure having now found it what value it is to me, halves the size if the keys - and I wear size XXXL gloves so have fingers like bannana's lol!

Oh well!
Just wanted to let you know that as a neophyte iPad 2 user, I successfully installed the iOs 5 upgrade on my 2nd try. Turning off my antivirus software and rebooting the cable modem and router did the trick, as the update only took 9 minutes to download. Thanks for your suggestions, Rich! :thumbs:

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