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iOS 5 Beta Thoughts

Mountainbikermark said:
Here are some more . I'm still searching for the rest Outlaw
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I posted that link and it was taken down.
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I'm sorry. I didn't know I wasn't supposed to link the thread and didn't mean to jack another's work. I too have been looking for the other 190 and it is the only thing I found so far and am just trying to be helpful n

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This post was Tapatalk approved. Sent from an Incredible phone
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Mountainbikermark said:
I'm sorry. I didn't know I wasn't supposed to link the thread.

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This post was Tapatalk approved. Sent from an Incredible phone

Me either..
I'm sorry. I didn't know I wasn't supposed to link the thread and didn't mean to jack another's work. I too have been looking for the other 190 and it is the only thing I found so far and am just trying to be helpful n

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This post was Tapatalk approved. Sent from an Incredible phone

No Problem Mark!

Both of you ~ go to your room.:D
Well it's gone again and again no explanation.
I wasn't apologizing to Jay, I'm in total agreement with Jay.I was apologizing to the forum and am not willing to copy paste another's work like it is my own.
I've saved it into my bookmarks and welcome suggestions from anyone on the forum for a way to be able to post the changes, short of using banother's work without giving them credit. The members over there are working hard to let us know what is what and they deserve the credit for their work and are doing nothing illegal or immoral.

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This post was Tapatalk approved. Sent from an Incredible phone
Its an iTunes free world! Celebrate people celebrate! By the way...is it good when your devoted customer base is so excited at the demise at one of your core products without ever seeing its replacement? LoL. That's how bad iTunes was. So thrilled with iOS5 already and I haven't even seen it.

Sent from my Android 3.1 Motorola Xoom Tablet!
im trying out the ios 5 beta myself on ipad 2.

ive noticed two things so far....

facetime doesnt work

iphone-ipad bluetooth thetering doesnt work either...only through wifi...

love the safari tabs, and reader mode, also the notification center. love alse the new music interface. well done apple :D
iKIKO said:
im trying out the ios 5 beta myself on ipad 2.

ive noticed two things so far....

facetime doesnt work

iphone-ipad bluetooth thetering doesnt work either...only through wifi...

love the safari tabs, and reader mode, also the notification center. love alse the new music interface. well done apple :D

I like it but alot of stuff doesn't work yet. Such as icloud, and wifi sync. I terribly miss being jailbroken, so I am going back to 4.3.3.
I will return to iOS 5 when musclenerd released his untethered jailbreak and apple gets icloud going.
Hey, what happens when you click 'Buy More Storage'? Also, which is the majority for beta iOS 5: "Things that work" or "Things that DON'T work"? Plus, has the iPad's screen always been that beautiful? :)
The only thing wrong that I have noticed are the multi touch gestures. Also there is a bug with the mail app. When you touch reload (the little loopy arrow at the bottom) it doesn't re load.
Is it true that you can now create your own albums and organize photos on the device itself, without installng any cydia tweaks?
extendedforecast said:
Sent from my Android 3.1 Motorola Xoom Tablet!

the nerve of some people.... :)

Ha. The iPad 2 belongs to the hubby. But he's not so tech saavy so I have to sync for him (although every time I touch it he starts yelling that "Im gonna messit up!") I explained what iOS 5 will do for him and he's super excited to synce from the cloud. I will have to keep that file system nice and organized for him. For my stuff though I pretty much use Xoom. :) I actually switched to Android because I hated iTunes that much.
Sent from my Android 3.1 Motorola Xoom Tablet!
iKIKO said:
im trying out the ios 5 beta myself on ipad 2.

ive noticed two things so far....

facetime doesnt work

iphone-ipad bluetooth thetering doesnt work either...only through wifi...

love the safari tabs, and reader mode, also the notification center. love alse the new music interface. well done apple :D

My FaceTime works...was a bit jumpy but I think that's because the other person is in Russia on a bad connection.

Overall the beta is really stable and I love the fact that there is no more checkerboard in safari when loading long pages!
iKIKO said:
im trying out the ios 5 beta myself on ipad 2.

ive noticed two things so far....

facetime doesnt work

iphone-ipad bluetooth thetering doesnt work either...only through wifi...

love the safari tabs, and reader mode, also the notification center. love alse the new music interface. well done apple :D

My FaceTime works...was a bit jumpy but I think that's because the other person is in Russia on a bad connection.

Overall the beta is really stable and I love the fact that there is no more checkerboard in safari when loading long pages!

thats weird that facetime works with you. also i noticed that with some webpages when loading safari closes up....

its stable, but not that stable...maybe ill go down to 4.3.3 and wait for the beta 2 comes out :p

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