@Graywolf, I have so many things to comment, I don't know where to start, LOL.

Okay, how about this:
Hate iTunes. Don't we all?
The only thing I hate about iTunes is how much it sucks on Windows. Other than that, I breathed it- Kept managing my old iPhone simple and easy. Although, there is something to be said on the sync speeds. I had enough time for 1 TV show on iTunes, LOL.
I downgraded. Got tired of no jailbreak.
My pulse stopped after 48 hours of a stock iPad.
Stock iOS is SOOOO boring.
Really? I mean,
really?... When I bought my iPhone it was jailbroken, but it was too cluttered and hectic for me; so I reverted to stock. Ever since then, I religiously updated my iPhone- Even synced like every 20 minutes, LOL. I ran stock iOS for 95% of the time that I had my iPhone- Not sure if you can survive that, @graywolf.
I have had a lot of crashes. Tabs are awesome though. Maybe now we can call it an actual browser. What browser doesn't have tabs? Oh I forgot. Safari does.
Crashes... Eh, I expected it from a Beta 1 release. And yes, from what I saw, tabbed browsing is awesome. (Obviously, since we've all been using it on other browsers, LOL.

) Well, I already considered iOS Safari to be a browser- Just a little
mentally-retarded, if you will. XD Also, Safari technically does have tabs- since there is a release of it. Beta, yes, but still. Haha, I just love arguing with you about this.

PS. What's your age, if you don't mind me asking? ;P
PPS. @Mountainbikermark, not fair!

I was supposed to respond first, haha.
End rant/response, LOL.