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iOS 5 Beta Thoughts

So I wonder if, having paid for MobileMe, we will get additional storage space....since everyone else will be getting 5GB free, I would say 10GB for MM subscribers is fair!
gentlefury said:
So I wonder if, having paid for MobileMe, we will get additional storage space....since everyone else will be getting 5GB free, I would say 10GB for MM subscribers is fair!

10 gigs is weak for a paid subscription service. I think apple should step up to the plate. There are so many good free and cheap cloud services for better deals. Especially if they want to jump into the whole cloud computing world with iOS 5
Upgraded to 5 beta 2 last night. Played with it for 5 minutes then restored 4.3.3. Don't get me wrong I really like all the new additions but too many of my daily apps are broken. Once they start updating their apps to make them compatible I will upgrade.
That is why they released the beta to developers, so we can get our Apps ready for the production release...

thewitt said:
That is why they released the beta to developers, so we can get our Apps ready for the production release...


I know which is why I'm not it a rush.... My gripe with apple in that respect is that an os upgrade should not break so many existing apps.
As a developer I can tell you that none of my Apps has ever broken with an OS upgrade... I know that some guys are working around issues with iOS 5, but the majority of the Apps in the App Store are going to continue to work just fine.

These betas are never intended to be installed on a consumer device...

Most of the apps that are broken are games. They either close after opening or in some cases they play but the screen is blank. I would bet it has something to do with an updated graphics API
What often happens is some "tricks" get circulated within the development community, or used by a library that is commonly used, that are still legal API calls but not exactly documented. These break and need to be fixed, either by having Apple correct the old API to support the practice in use, or more commonly by recoding the offending call. Both can happen.

This, plus the new API calls and the power they provide, is why they release a developer seed like this beta.

I'm running iOS 5 beta 2 and was wondering if anyone is having this small issue. After synching with an iphone4 or ipad2 I find that the sync is over, but iTunes is not finishing and showing " Step 7 of 7 Waiting for changes to reconcile". It goes on forever. I can quit this and everything is fine (and synched), but just wondering if others are seeing it. Wireless synching is working great as well as many other fixes. I've tried re-downloading iTunes with the same result. Any thoughts?

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