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iOS 5- what would you like to see for iPad?

Mine is simple: Arrow keys. I want to be able to easily move the cursor when I'm typing, without going through the hassle of selecting whole words, etc. It's by far the most irritating thing I've encountered when using my iPad.

A very nice keyboard in the app iAWriter includes numbers, punctation, and cursor arrow keys. It would be nice if this keyboard was available for all apps via iOS. (I prefer this app for just straight typing over Pages)

Multifinger combos are in development ... they will likely show up.

Tab browsing in Safari (should not be difficult)

I would like to see spaces(6) used at the way to handle multitasking.

If movies from SD can be played in photo app ... there should be an app that handles files in a similar way that can be loaded via an SD card via the camera connect kit adapters.

I like a mouse, but I know that hovering is not possible with iOS... we won't be seeing a mouse. Hovering is also another major reason that Flash doesn't work well if at all on touch screens. (Obviously very poor battery life as well). Fingers can't hover.

Self syncing via a homesharing and cloud locker should be allowed.
I've had my iPad for two weeks now, and an email widget would be nice. Flash isn't necessary, but it would be nice to have a toggle switch for flash for advanced users. Multitouch multitasking is a must for me. NOTIFICATIONS: come on apple get this simple thing updated already. Other than that, iOS is great!
While this isn't really an iOS request, I wish Apple would use some sort of anti-glare screen on their next iPad. The glare is not that big of a deal on an iPhone because it's so small, but on the iPad, the glare is just unbearable at times. With all of the technology they have, surely they can fix the glare issue!! :-)
jtrosky said:
While this isn't really an iOS request, I wish Apple would use some sort of anti-glare screen on their next iPad. The glare is not that big of a deal on an iPhone because it's so small, but on the iPad, the glare is just unbearable at times. With all of the technology they have, surely they can fix the glare issue!! :-)

Never going to happen, it's the glare that makes it attractive I think and thats why, they did this with the MacBooks once, a glare and none glare version, never know though, I sure would like anti glare

Sent from my iPad2 64GB wifi 3G using iPF
jtrosky said:
While this isn't really an iOS request, I wish Apple would use some sort of anti-glare screen on their next iPad. The glare is not that big of a deal on an iPhone because it's so small, but on the iPad, the glare is just unbearable at times. With all of the technology they have, surely they can fix the glare issue!! :-)

But surely this isn't even an "issue" at all, since you can get third-party antiglare screens. It also depends on how and where you use it, but I don't think that many users have a problem with the glass, either.
Yeah not really an issue, for me it's when I'm outside on a sunny day, then I can't see anything period on any single device, I laughed about it on vacation over in Spain when I went on to the beach and noticed people waiting for a spot in a shade to use their iPhones, I caught a argument with one girl telling a guy off for taking forever while the shade lasted because she had to make a call and it turned out he was playing a game lol

Sent from my iPad2 64GB wifi 3G using iPF
I would like an improvement on Airplay. I would like to send single images from an app to the Apple TV instead of just videos. I have some cool uses for that :)
Did you guys see this? Pretty awesome if you ask me, sunlight readable, low power, and you could use it to fake a double resolution because one screen lies over the other.

Apple Patent Hints at Hybrid E Ink-LCD iPad |

So it would be exactly what the Notion Ink Adam has? IDK how they can patent something that someone else has already done and released to the market, but whatever, I guess our patent system is that messed up. No idea where you are getting that double resolution thing from though.

Edit: Upon further reading it appears that Apple is patenting a way to do both at the same time. Have pictures display in full color and text display in e-ink, whereas the Notion ink Adam can only do one of the other at a time. Sounds like they will be using a full array LED back-lighting system or something similar to dynamically light up only the areas that contain pictures. Cool idea, but idk what the major use of it would be as most ebooks dont really have pictures all throughout them and no one is going to want to really read a website on e-ink even if the pictures are full color and beautiful. Still, cool idea.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLEtIOBdRIM]YouTube - notion ink adam in ebook mode.avi[/ame]
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Calcifer said:
I would like an improvement on Airplay. I would like to send single images from an app to the Apple TV instead of just videos. I have some cool uses for that :)

Imagine if there was AirPlay for Angry Birds.

Sent from my interestingcompanionPad using iPF!
Thphilli said:
If the 3gs gets iOS5, then iOS5 is going to suck. Its as simple as that.

Yes as the processor would be ancient at that time and the RAM would be too little.

Sent from my interestingcompanionPad using iPF!

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