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iOS 7 is now available for download

Hello all,

Thinking about upgrading to iOS 7. :)

I read that it may be wise to wait a while until any bugs are ironed out, etc? Any advice on that? Or are iOS updates usually safe to update from day one?

Thanks much!
I downloaded iOS 7 at 1:30 est today and enjoying so far greatly. There is a mixture of Microsoft, Android, Samsung, etc techniques that seem to mesh very well. Time and hands on will eventually tell the whole story. BUT I AM GREATLY IMPRESSED!!!
I downloaded the update about yesterday, and so far i must sai it has some problems that I really dont like, and I regret the upgrade.
First, is it just me or does my ipad3 slow down? Opening apps and surfing?
And second really. ad thing is battery drain. I closed all apps, and it was locked ( unused) for five hours, now i taket it and it has dropped 5 precent :/
I am used to that the precentage doesn't drop at all when not in use.
I really hope apple will ass soon as possible launch an update that fixes these flaws.
I downloaded it and it looks great! Problem is that its a bit unresponsive, and slow. But that I will get fixed too anyways. Now I don't need to bother jailbreaking it. Thanks apple!
Hello everyone Plz help n sugest me can i download iOS 7 or not ?
Bcoz here some persons says its give a problem and some says its supper
So plz tell me what can i do now ??
I agree it looks cheap and crappy. Apple used to be a stand alone look and now it's to much like all the other stuff. And everything is so bright even though I tried to adjust the brightness it's just to much white. Common Apple...this isn't good.
Started at 1:30pm,(?) was still at it by 5 but think it was already loaded just couldn't complete.
Called Best to ask them about it and as I'm talking it accepted and loaded right up.
Good news; spotlight search now works; never did on ios6 up. Problems with onscreen keyboard, gone!
Having some problems with spell-check & dictionary but that could just be quirky words.
Don't like the home page. They took away the bar at top but now you have that brown bar down below.
Can we change that homepage color? Would be nice!
Bold and increased contrast are really nice.
Time will tell I've been on it since 5 it's 1:30 am now; think I mostly like it just have to learn about it.
Wallpaper doesn't look right either but that's mostly cause of that bar and I have to figure how to adjust pic
before sending it to the home page.
Well, that's it fer now! Take a Care Folks and good luck with your upgrades!

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