Doing something in landscape mode and only on a new device is bizarre, no it's lazy, it's slipshod, pure crass and my point exactly. I am intrigued Col.Bris that the removal and re-installation of Apps seems to improve matters? If you have the time will you explain? Occasionally I have removed an app because of a problem within the app, which did improve the functionality of that app - but why should that affect the iOS?
What on earth is going on - I guessing we all really like our Apple products or we wouldn't be on here - but no business unless of course it's hell bent on destroying itself behaves like this. An advert in the UK press this morning tells me that the iWatch is on course and will be fabulous, wonderful, super and everyone will be wearing one within a year! Personally I'd rather Apple concentrated on making the machine I adore work like it used too before it markets something else. I kind of like the analogy somebody made earlier - Apple have now caught up MS and are victims of their own success.
All I want, is for the machine I paid for and incidently, the company I work for, convinced to invest in, to work like it is supposed too, like it did before - is that too much to ask?