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ipad 1 5.0.1: activating multitouch "twice" - negative aspects?


iPF Noob
ipad 1 5.0.1: activating multitouch "twice" - negative aspects? and different questio


In iOs 5.0.1 ipad 1 Apple activated Multitouch gestures officially.
When jailbreaking the device with redsnow there is also a function for activating MT.

Is there any difference between the official MT and jailbroken MT?
Is there a negative aspect in activating MT "twice"?

This is only regarding to ipad 1 5.0.1 as it is the only version with official Multitouch.


New questions:
I read about a Cydia tweak which provides virtual memory (swap) for iphone.
Is something like that available for ipad 5.0.1?
Is it adviseable to use this on the newer firmwares?

There is a tweak for more memory by deleting demons:

Is anybody using this?
can you tell me something about it?

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I read something about Winterboard lite but cannot find it in cydia.
Last edited:
Answer to 1)
5.0.1 without JB: MT available
5.0.1 with JB without MT Checkbox in redsnow: MT not available
5.0.1 with JB with MT Checkbox in redsnow: MT available

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