I swear sometimes I just don't get Apple's thinking. Why would they ever do something that stupid. They brag about having 2 cameras, using Facetime or Facedial, they talk about video, front and back, bla bla bla......but their camera just sucks!!!!!!
I love apple stuff, I mean I really like their stuff. I have a Macbook pro 13" that has put every windows machine I've ever used to shame, I have an iphone 4, an Ipad 2, apple tv, a 3rd gen ipod touch and I even have their wireless router with built in 1 terabyte of space for backups, so I'm familiar with their stuff. But even with all their successful stuff they always seem to drop the ball with the small details. It makes no sense!!!!!!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!
I just don't understand their mindset and decision making process sometimes.
[Moderator edit: Please watch the language. This is a family forum. Thanks.]