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Is it just me or does IPAD2 camera really stink?

the iPad2 is not a camera. The little camera included is for facetime, nothing more. My 21 megapixel Canon 5DII is for taking pictures.

And I have a computer for computing, a laptop for computing on the go, an xbox 360 for gaming, a phone for calling, an e-reader for reading, an iPod for music, and a DVD player and a 50 inch tv for movies.

I don't doubt that there are better ways for doing things the ipad2 can do, but the device everyone hoped for would also take decent stills. I found myself wanting a decent camera on the iPad last week. I was in Germany, on the rhein just reading with my iPad 2. I had a great view that I wanted to snap and share with my friends and family on Facebook. I don't take a digital camera with me unless I know I am going to take pictures. It would have been wonderful if the ipad2 would have had a camera that could have filled that gap.

And just to amplify, the pictures I did take were grainy and pixelated, they weren't really worth sharing.

If I am looking for print quality, certainly a dedicated digital camera is the way to go. Just like if I want a theater experience from movie watching, I am going to my home theater.

Just saying.
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Was pointless to add such cheesy cameras...I would have paid extra for a nice 8 megapixel rear camera!

I would be very happy with a 2MP camera that had good image processing and low light capabilities. 0.7MP is a joke. The worst freebie give-a-way phones out there have 1.3MP cameras now.
pallentx said:
I would be very happy with a 2MP camera that had good image processing and low light capabilities. 0.7MP is a joke. The worst freebie give-a-way phones out there have 1.3MP cameras now.

The camera is useless to be honest and can't quite fathom out why they bothered as I feel that it isn't really a great selling point anyway?

Sent from my White 32gb Wifi & 3g iPad 2 using iPF
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pallentx said:
I remember no long ago people used to say "Who wants a camera on a phone? I have a digital camera for that"

I have a pretty nice digital camera too, but its not with me all day every day and connected to the internet via 3G and wifi. I don't need my portable camera to be amazing, but a tiny step better than the free cheapo camera phones people are throwing away these days would be nice.

EXACTLY! People need to quit knocking on the rear-facing camera (many often say "it's just for FaceTime, folks"...which is dumb because that's what the FRONT facing camera is for). It's a CONVENIENCE camera and nothing more. Could it have been better? Sure! But I'm thankful it's there!! I have an EVO 4G and a Canon DSLR. But they're not always with me like my iPad is. And so far, I've taken lots of nice little photos with my iPad 2. :-)

I've always said: your best camera is the one you use the most. Your most effective camera is the one you have in your hands at the moment.

Specs don't make a good photo. Your creativity, use of lighting, image composition, timing and a little luck is what makes great pictures. Some of the best photos in the world were made with crappier cameras.

Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
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Augmented reality, QR codes, pics for reference in ToDos, I could go on. Even a shit camera has its uses which you feel when you don't have one.

My only camera on my person daily was the 1.3 megapixel dumb phone, and no good way to get the photos to by iPod to put to other uses.

Think of it this way. If the iPad is being picked up by people who are computer phobs then they may not even have a device with a camera already. For the "grand parents" having both front and rear cameras could very handy for video conferencing.

No mr. 10 MP super-smarty phone user, these iPad cameras were not put there for you. They were put there for me, other (carrier crippled) dumb phone users, and my grandmother on my mothers side (my dads mother is actually quite the tech savvy Mac user :p). I don't expect you to understand.
Here's a photo I just took with my iPad. The camera may be cheap, but it sure does come in handy while I'm reading a news story on the iPad walking into the living room and I come across this (a light sleeper-and both my DSLR and EVO 4G are in another room-by the way, no lighting other than from a moderately bright overcast sky):

Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF


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I'm calling BS on that. My galaxy s phone is a lot thinner than my iPad2 and takes 10x's better pics than my IPad. Plus excellent video front and rear. So I don't buy the thinner theory. Looks more like to me they are giving them selves something to improve on for the next generation on purpose.

Trouble is the iPad is so thin there's no space for proper lenses.
You guys are expecting too much for basic cameras designed solely for FaceTime video.
The front cam for example is the same VGA as standard webcams.

That said I've read the best way to maximise the quality of a single frame is to use an app and save it from a video clip.
Willtek777 said:
I'm calling BS on that. My galaxy s phone is a lot thinner than my iPad2 and takes 10x's better pics than my IPad. Plus excellent video front and rear. So I don't buy the thinner theory. Looks more like to me they are giving them selves something to improve on for the next generation on purpose.

Fully agree. When I haven't had my camera with me my Samsung Galaxy S has done me proud snap wise.

Apple always seem to lag behind when it comes to a good camera in my opinion.
I agree. I usually us my iPhone 4s to take my pictures, then deal with the picture through photostream. Speculation is better camera on the iPad 3.


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