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Is it just me or does IPAD2 camera really stink?

SweetPoison said:
Good! What's your Poison? Probably shouldn't mini hijack OP thread....

Whatever you're having, something refreshing :-)

Sent from my Jailbroken IPad on 4.2.1 ;-)


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Thphilli said:
You use it everyday, but you sold your xoom on a different thread. Which is it?

Uh, they have them at his place of work, too.

Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad using iPF
Folks, don't lose sight of the fact that

the iPad2 is not a camera. The little camera included is for facetime, nothing more. My 21 megapixel Canon 5DII is for taking pictures.
I have to disagree with the notion that everything Apple makes is inherently perfect and that any flaw or lackluster feature is intended to be that way. I haven't looked at the statistics, but I'd be willing to bet that digital camera sales have slowed or dropped pretty significantly since the smartphone boom. My Droid X has an 8mp camera, and to be honest, unless photography is a hobby or profession, a lot of people don't have much of a need for a separate camera anymore. 90% of people it seems are just taking pictures to post on Facebook, meaning they will be resized anyway. And if it goes on Facebook, they will likely upload it straight from their smartphone. If the iPad were to have a decent camera, Apple could release a nice photo editing app for people who have never edited a photo before. The touchscreen would make it simple and convenient to use, and it could all be done on one device.

Alternatively, Apple could implement something into the OS to make sharing photos between smartphones and iPad very simple. I know there are already ways to do this, but they should make it seamless. Not the camera connection kit, because that's just another thing to carry around. It should be recognized that standalone cameras are on their way out of the mainstream.

Again, I'm not complaining. I'm offering suggestions. I'm sure it wasn't included because of technical limitations.
the iPad2 is not a camera. The little camera included is for facetime, nothing more. My 21 megapixel Canon 5DII is for taking pictures.

Or in my case I just get out my Samsung Galaxy S Smartphone and take a quick snap with that. The picture quality is good enough for most things :)

21mp? Wow do you really need that much?
I remember no long ago people used to say "Who wants a camera on a phone? I have a digital camera for that"

I have a pretty nice digital camera too, but its not with me all day every day and connected to the internet via 3G and wifi. I don't need my portable camera to be amazing, but a tiny step better than the free cheapo camera phones people are throwing away these days would be nice.

So as long as the competitors are still lagging behind, Apples gets to drag its feet on a decent camera. I can see it now - NEW IPad 3 - now with improved camera! Gotta keep everyone upgrading their iDevice every year...
Was pointless to add such cheesy cameras...I would have paid extra for a nice 8 megapixel rear camera!

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