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I'm having problems with the "Anything goes" thread. I keep getting a parse error. I've tried logging out, but get the same error message. All other threads are OK, although a couple were sluggish this morning. Is anyone else getting similar problems?

Thread hijack NOT intended, but this seems the best thread to post my comment on.

I wondered whether the sheer size / number of posts is the cause of the problem.

Sent from my iPad 1 using iPF - Greetings
Richard Brown said:
I'm having problems with the "Anything goes" thread. I keep getting a parse error. I've tried logging out, but get the same error message. All other threads are OK, although a couple were sluggish this morning. Is anyone else getting similar problems?

Thread hijack NOT intended, but this seems the best thread to post my comment on.

I wondered whether the sheer size / number of posts is the cause of the problem.

Sent from my iPad 1 using iPF - Greetings

This is an issue with the app, seems random users (including me) are having issues with specific pages in specific (but random....if thats possible!) threads. Hopefully forum runner will come up with an upgrade soon.
Yup. That's me too. It's frustrating. I'm finally in but it's still restoring my music and videos. Why can't I backup on cloud? It won't let me. My apps aren't working except default apple apps
Hayles66 said:
Yup. That's me too. It's frustrating. I'm finally in but it's still restoring my music and videos. Why can't I backup on cloud? It won't let me. My apps aren't working except default apple apps

Can't backup on iCloud without more iCloud storage. Only 5 gb is free, even though some things don't count. My 300+ apps took hours to download but I did join iCloud etc. while they were downloading. Also many (most of my favorites) had to be upgraded before they would work. Good luck!
Go into settings for the iCloud and eventually you find the manage area where each app can be selected for backup. ALL are selected to start with. Few of mine have data in them that I need to backup. Maybe you'll find the same.
Yes I did. Thank you. I think with a lot of these it's just common sense but you sort of panic don't you. Thinking you've ruined your babies.
Having met the new dog, I must confess it is pretty cute, but I will show no love for it. Sadly it slept in my bloody arms last night as it would not take no for an answer. I showed it no love though. Honest.

iPad 2 Lover (Forced owner of 3 dogs now, 2 of which I love).....I will not change this message....everrrrrrrr.

iPad 2 Lover (Forced owner of 3 dogs now, 2 of which I love)
Ha ha. Knew you would crumble. Our dog Bonnie is moping round missing her buddy. Honestly the amount of times she threatened him when he was shown more love than her. You'd think she'd be pleased he's gone. She's gone off her food.
Well. I'm starting to wish I'd never synched ios5. I've restored my iPad after countless backups etc and now the iPad won't even restore properly. It's not synching with my laptop at all now. I wanna cry. Not a good year for me.

Sent from my iPhone using iPF
Hayles66 said:
Well. I'm starting to wish I'd never synched ios5. I've restored my iPad after countless backups etc and now the iPad won't even restore properly. It's not synching with my laptop at all now. I wanna cry. Not a good year for me.

Sent from my iPhone using iPF

This is Gabriel's reply to when I raised the issue re "Anything Goes". Forget about goes, it's gone! :(

Gabriel1 said:
This is an issue with the app, seems random users (including me) are having issues with specific pages in specific (but random....if thats possible!) threads. Hopefully forum runner will come up with an upgrade soon.

Sent from my iPad 1 using iPF - Greetings
Hayles66 said:
Still no news on the anything goes thread. I'm typing this on the website. That's a first. Things must be bad.

It lookalike the "Anything Goes" thread is OK. I can access it. I had a comment to add at the time the problems started. For the life of me I cannot remember what it was (just remembered, so will post to that thread!) : )

Sent from my iPad 1 using iPF - Greetings

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