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iPad 3G Support Group Thread

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Sitting here waiting on the front porch... Cement is cold on my butt. Maybe if i give a little "here Fed Ex" and a whistle he'll come a runnin around the corner! Congrats on those that have yours in hand!
Okay, so signing up for the data plan is fast and really easy. The first time you open Safari, you get a pop up asking if you want to sign up now or later. I tapped now, and it took my cc info, billing info, etc, and that was it. All set!
Every diesel engine i hear my heart skips a beat.... But it is not the one i am waiting for. Should ban all diesel engines but Fed Ex's. NO FAIR! NO FAIR!
STILL patiently waiting......oh everyone that has theirs in their hot hands sound like they are over the top!! It should be soon.....I keep going and checking the parking lot at work for the fed ex guy to get here........
thanks for all the info...

I am new to syncing & to itunes ... its all new to me

(really!... no smartphone or ipod, etc... & I setup my 1st itunes account last night)
Okay, so signing up for the data plan is fast and really easy. The first time you open Safari, you get a pop up asking if you want to sign up now or later. I tapped now, and it took my cc info, billing info, etc, and that was it. All set!

Thanks for that info!
Okay, so signing up for the data plan is fast and really easy. The first time you open Safari, you get a pop up asking if you want to sign up now or later. I tapped now, and it took my cc info, billing info, etc, and that was it. All set!

thanks so no accoiunt info required.. just cc details...

Still waiting on mine :(
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