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iPad 3G Support Group Thread

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OK, one last time so everybody is on the same page. Officially from Apple there are 2 shipping windows "Late April" and March 7th. There is NO other official word other than emails currently being sent out to pre-orders made prior ro today. Everything else we see, hear or read is speculation, period. Let's keep it real people, this is stressfull enough.

I think you mean May 7th.

Thank you. I corrected it. I was typing from my touch really early. ;)
As stated, no one has gotten a shipping notice. And, yes, everyone gets test check to make sure your CC is valid. You get that shortly after you place an order with Apple. I got one on each of my orders.

One flaw in your logic. My order was placed on the first day (Friday, March 12) in the first couple hours and I just got the test charge (in the amount of shipping - $13) yesterday (April 18). That is not "shortly", that is over a month....

We should know if this is truth or BS by later today or tomorrow.
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As stated, no one has gotten a shipping notice. And, yes, everyone gets test check to make sure your CC is valid. You get that shortly after you place an order with Apple. I got one on each of my orders.

One flaw in your logic. My order was placed on the first day in the first few minutes and I just got the test charge (in the amount of shipping - $13) yesterday.

We should know if this is truth or BS by later today or tomorrow.

Not being logical, I am being factual. Sorry to be so rude, but getting tired of all the misinformation and ppl on the edge of hysteria. I am as anxious as everyone, so much that I purchased a wi-fi from BB to take the edge off, and believe me you want the 3G. I will be returning the wi-fi by April 29 when 14 days is up or sooner if receive the two 3G's I have ordered. :o
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As stated, no one has gotten a shipping notice. And, yes, everyone gets test check to make sure your CC is valid. You get that shortly after you place an order with Apple. I got one on each of my orders.

One flaw in your logic. My order was placed on the first day in the first few minutes and I just got the test charge (in the amount of shipping - $13) yesterday.

We should know if this is truth or BS by later today or tomorrow.

Not being logical, I am being factual. Sorry to be so rude, but getting tired of all the misinformation and ppl on the edge of hysteria. I am as anxious as everyone, so much that I purchased a wi-fi from BB to take the edge off, and believe me you want the 3G. I will be returning the wi-fi by April 29 when 14 days is up or sooner if receive the two 3G's I have ordered. :o

Dude, if you're "getting tired of all the misinformation and ppl on the edge of hysteria" you shouldn't be here in the first place. Just saying... :)
... but getting tired of all the misinformation...

That is just the problem, we do not know how much is "information" and how much is "misinformation". Almost certainly some of both.

What I do know for sure is that there is now activity of a sort on my order that there was not before. Not shipping yet, but something appears to be happening.
Ok now I am serious. I just received my confirmation email from Apple this morning. It confirms my order, address info, pymt etc and provides a link for shipping info. Mine is traveling via Fed Ex and is "scheduled" to arrive Sat April 24th. I pre-ordered mine the first day (March 12) at 5:39am.....I just checked the CC used for pymt and there is an amount a little higher than my invoice price that is pending....strange thing is the description does not show Apple Store as I expected. I will keep checking periodically and will keep everyone posted if anything changes.
Sickpup, looks like scarlettohara1 has got a shipment notice.
scarlettohara1, Can you post the notice, with your personal info deleted? It will gives all some hope.......

As stated, I do not believe anyone has received a shipping notice. When we start getting notices this and all the internet will be burning with the news. And to scalettohara1,
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a

Sorry for the delayed post...I work in government and meetings on Mondays are very long. Ok first i am posting from my iPhone 3GS from inside a solid brick building with low signal (use of agency computers for personal interest would cost me $$$$$$$ which I need). So as soon as I can I will post my email. Every order is different. I posted my info for sharing not for speculation (sickopup). I am a member of this forum and participate in good faith not as a gossip monger (sp). So if you don't get yours today, maybe tomorrow. I knew I was getting mine on April 24th since I ordered it. I stated that in previous post. I also stated when I purchased mine which by the way I stayed up all night for and I am three hours ahead of CA. The CC used had the amount of my purchase plus a little more in "pending trans"....why it does not show more detail is beyond me. Again I am not a poop stirrer as some other post said I was.....maybe he/she has deeper issues, despite these negative people posting here I will continue to keep you up to date when I can. And to sickOpup......I really don't care that you "don't give a damn!".
Logic will tell you that the 3g will be here on the 30th. No sooner. Why? Apple is coughing up a bundle to change the shipping to priority. They wouldn't do that unless that's the only way they can get it to us by the end of April, as promised.
One flaw in your logic. My order was placed on the first day in the first few minutes and I just got the test charge (in the amount of shipping - $13) yesterday.

We should know if this is truth or BS by later today or tomorrow.

Not being logical, I am being factual. Sorry to be so rude, but getting tired of all the misinformation and ppl on the edge of hysteria. I am as anxious as everyone, so much that I purchased a wi-fi from BB to take the edge off, and believe me you want the 3G. I will be returning the wi-fi by April 29 when 14 days is up or sooner if receive the two 3G's I have ordered. :o

Dude, if you're "getting tired of all the misinformation and ppl on the edge of hysteria" you shouldn't be here in the first place. Just saying... :)

LOL, maybe you are right. cya :rolleyes:
Anyone every consider that shipping 300K units so that they deliver at the same time is a royal pain in the a$$ -- and since Apple has already had their unveiling and official release - they're going to push these things out the door as fast as possible over the next several weeks - and plan to have them all shipped by the end of the month?
Anyone every consider that shipping 300K units so that they deliver at the same time is a royal pain in the a$$ -- and since Apple has already had their unveiling and official release - they're going to push these things out the door as fast as possible over the next several weeks - and plan to have them all shipped by the end of the month?

Exactly. First come first serve and scalettohara1 seems to have been among the very first. I am not far behind. The next few days may reveal many other early 3G orders getting ship dates.
Anyone every consider that shipping 300K units so that they deliver at the same time is a royal pain in the a$$ -- and since Apple has already had their unveiling and official release - they're going to push these things out the door as fast as possible over the next several weeks - and plan to have them all shipped by the end of the month?

I'm pretty sure these babies have been collecting dust in a warehouse in China at least for one week. They should've started shipping them a few days ago. This is all a buzz generator, hype forming tactic to get that stock even higher.

WHERE'S MY EMAIL!!!!!!!??????? :(
As some have pointed out, today's activity would make sense if Apple planned to say "the 3G iPads are now shipping" during tomorrow's earnings call...

I'm pretty sure these babies have been collecting dust in a warehouse in China at least for one week

Man, dust yours well, that Chinese dust is probably toxic! <g>
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Anyone every consider that shipping 300K units so that they deliver at the same time is a royal pain in the a$$ -- and since Apple has already had their unveiling and official release - they're going to push these things out the door as fast as possible over the next several weeks - and plan to have them all shipped by the end of the month?

That makes sense since the ipad already had the official "launch" I don't think there's going to be another launch date to get them all in people's hands at the same time. So logic dictates the soft target for the first preorders(placed prior to todays 5/7 target) should be shipped by "Late April" meaning this week and next week. All orders placed in the second round will ship by 5/7.
iPad late april

OK, one last time so everybody is on the same page. Officially from Apple there are 2 shipping windows "Late April" and May 7th. There is NO other official word other than emails currently being sent out to pre-orders made prior ro today. Everything else we see, hear or read is speculation, period. Let's keep it real people, this is stressfull enough.

This is in my eyes 100% the fact and true 2 window shipping …. more than this is speculate
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