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iPad 3G Support Group Thread

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I think they're going in order of the orders. Yesterday morning the hold for $900 was put on my account for my march 13 order. Then about 4 hours later the hold was put on for my April 3rd order. Last night I got a call from the fraud prevention group wanting to give me the 3rd degree. I almost felt like I was in a job interview or something.

I would wait until the end of the day and consider calling Apple. If I have an April 3 order and was hit yesterday you shouldn't be far behind.
I think they're going in order of the orders. Yesterday morning the hold for $900 was put on my account for my march 13 order. Then about 4 hours later the hold was put on for my April 3rd order. Last night I got a call from the fraud prevention group wanting to give me the 3rd degree. I almost felt like I was in a job interview or something.

I would wait until the end of the day and consider calling Apple. If I have an April 3 order and was hit yesterday you shouldn't be far behind.

Yea yesterday was when I noticed the differential in my account as well and my order was placed on March 23rd.
But - they're not moving that fast. My money is still in my account - they've only frozen it and of course fraud alert called me to verify. If I remember correctly, out of this particular account the funds have remained frozen for 2 to 3 days before being withdrawn) at least for my iPad peripheral purchases.
But - they're not moving that fast. My money is still in my account - they've only frozen it and of course fraud alert called me to verify. If I remember correctly, out of this particular account the funds have remained frozen for 2 to 3 days before being withdrawn) at least for my iPad peripheral purchases.

Well we are still a week away and it is prority shipping so we may not see actual movement until Monday/Teusday maybe. They should be charging us by tomorrow or Monday at the latest...I hope. Never thought I would be so eager to have someone take my money...crazy huh?
There could be a lot of reasons that they will not charge someone until it actually ships. Many of the orders may have been put in a secure catagory, which means they would issue billing all at once when the order is released. Heck, I still haven't seen charges for my camera kit which arrives today. Some of the card companies may have arrangements with Apple where they guarantee established card holders and will accept bulk charges.
They are going in order.

Yep - it does appear they are going in order. Now - the $100,000 question is whether they are going to deliver in order - or put these things in a warehouse somewhere and make us all wait until next Friday. I would bet it's the latter.
They are going in order.

Yep - it does appear they are going in order. Now - the $100,000 question is whether they are going to deliver in order - or put these things in a warehouse somewhere and make us all wait until next Friday. I would bet it's the latter.

Well by all the statements they have made (and by all I mean the ONE statement) they are following the wifi launch model so we are all going to get them at the same time regardless of when they actually arrive in the US. I read somewhere that fedex priority delivered by 10:30am so if that's true we will have our pre-order 3G's by the morning and the stores will make them available in the afternoon at 5PM. Just in time for the rush hour crowd!
If I wasn't so eager for this 3G, I wouldn't open it and try to scalp it in front of the local Best Buy on the 30th. :)

I bet you could make some good money too. I think the Apple Store would peobably be a better bet though at about 5:15PM...:D
Patiently waiting

I have been following this forum since I placed my order for my 64G 3G Ipad on 4/16. I just barely made the cut off for the first batch of pre-orders, but I have gotten the "magical" e-mail stating I am scheduled for a late April delivery. My acessories (power cord and case) were charged to my CC and are enroute. My debit card has not been hit for the Ipad amount, so I'm sure they are going in order. Hopefully we will all be happy next Friday!!
I have been following this forum since I placed my order for my 64G 3G Ipad on 4/16. I just barely made the cut off for the first batch of pre-orders, but I have gotten the "magical" e-mail stating I am scheduled for a late April delivery. My acessories (power cord and case) were charged to my CC and are enroute. My debit card has not been hit for the Ipad amount, so I'm sure they are going in order. Hopefully we will all be happy next Friday!!

Welcome to the forum Mainsax. Patience is a virtue around here!
I have been following this forum since I placed my order for my 64G 3G Ipad on 4/16. I just barely made the cut off for the first batch of pre-orders, but I have gotten the "magical" e-mail stating I am scheduled for a late April delivery. My acessories (power cord and case) were charged to my CC and are enroute. My debit card has not been hit for the Ipad amount, so I'm sure they are going in order. Hopefully we will all be happy next Friday!!

Welcome to the forum Mainsax. Patience is a virtue around here!

What is this thing you call Patience? :D
I have been following this forum since I placed my order for my 64G 3G Ipad on 4/16. I just barely made the cut off for the first batch of pre-orders, but I have gotten the "magical" e-mail stating I am scheduled for a late April delivery. My acessories (power cord and case) were charged to my CC and are enroute. My debit card has not been hit for the Ipad amount, so I'm sure they are going in order. Hopefully we will all be happy next Friday!!

Welcome to the forum Mainsax. Patience is a virtue around here!

What is this thing you call Patience? :D

I think it resides somewhere between freaking nuts and dead...
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