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iPad 3G Support Group Thread

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In the comix this week, Calvin & Hobbes is about him ordering a magical beanie and waiting for it to come in the mail. I find the story line to be very relevent, especially the day dreaming of its magical powers. The question is who will get their magical product first; us or Calvin. My bet is Calvin.
Anyone having trouble getting into the order status page? Keeps timing out on me.

Edit: just got in. No changes...:(
the wait almost over you guys just hang in there lol ps i just watched avatar on my ipad and it brought a tear to my eye
If I wasn't so eager for this 3G, I wouldn't open it and try to scalp it in front of the local Best Buy on the 30th. :)

I bet you could make some good money too. I think the Apple Store would peobably be a better bet though at about 5:15PM...:D

Yes, true.....I'd just have to travel down to Nashua, which is about 1.5 hours away when I can get to a Best Buy in ten minutes. I think I'll hold out for that Russian guy to fly me to NYC and put me up at the Plaza:p
Not sure why but I keep thinking of these quotes the movie Rainman:rolleyes::

"Uh oh, fifteen minutes to Wapner."
"Thirteen minutes to Judge Wapner and 'The People's Court.'"

"12 minutes to Wapner."

"Eight minutes to Wapner. - We got eight minutes to Wapner."
"Four minutes to Wapner."
"Course, three minutes to Wapner."

ONE WEEK to iPad3G;)
Just spoke with Apple. Debit card daily limit was exceeded with the Ipad. After a few minutes calling my bank and Apple back, I am happily a little poorer, but happy to have my baby coming next Friday. Time to stock up on free apps!
Just spoke with Apple. Debit card daily limit was exceeded with the Ipad. After a few minutes calling my bank and Apple back, I am happily a little poorer, but happy to have my baby coming next Friday. Time to stock up on free apps!

I talked w/ Apple several weeks back re this. Normal debit cards allow $1K per day. If you haven't charged anything during a daily period they a single iPad of any size would fit. I have 2 separate orders for 3G 64GB mods - which is why I called them. They told me that they would hit the card - and then if the first took but the second didn't they would wait a day and hit it again. I just moved over to a credit card to make things easier.
If you find these tips of interest let me know, if not this will be the last one.

I just checked, I now have 550 iPad apps ready to go for the 3G, so it will take awhile sorting through all of them to find the gems vs the garbage.

4phun, Keep it up. Thank you for posting these. I have downloaded most of them. I wouldn't have found them if you hadn't brought them to out attention. Thanks again

Now - the $100,000 question is whether they are going to deliver in order - or put these things in a warehouse somewhere and make us all wait until next Friday. I would bet it's the latter.

My payment was initially rejected by Amex as a possible fraud entry. Has to do with internet orders, I was told. It was resolved quickly, but in the meantime I got an email from Apple saying the charge had been declined and that I had until a week from yesterday to post a different credit card before they would cancel the order. The point is that they will still be processing credit adjustments up until next Wednesday. So I would guess Thursday is the day of shipping for Friday delivery.
Now - the $100,000 question is whether they are going to deliver in order - or put these things in a warehouse somewhere and make us all wait until next Friday. I would bet it's the latter.

My payment was initially rejected by Amex as a possible fraud entry. Has to do with internet orders, I was told. It was resolved quickly, but in the meantime I got an email from Apple saying the charge had been declined and that I had until a week from yesterday to post a different credit card before they would cancel the order. The point is that they will still be processing credit adjustments up until next Wednesday. So I would guess Thursday is the day of shipping for Friday delivery.

Well if that's the case then they must already be on their way or in the US already. Sooooooo close...
If you find these tips of interest let me know, if not this will be the last one.

I just checked, I now have 550 iPad apps ready to go for the 3G, so it will take awhile sorting through all of them to find the gems vs the garbage.

4phun, Keep it up. Thank you for posting these. I have downloaded most of them. I wouldn't have found them if you hadn't brought them to out attention. Thanks again


550 REALLY? How many can it hold? I think I down loaded like 30 and was worried about that.
I believe that under 4.0 it will hold 1800 using folders. Technically you can put as many as you want on the iPad depending on storage requirements, but you can only see 180 apps. Folders will greatly expand that capacity to see your apps, but to me even 180 is overkill.
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iPad Games: Unusal Game - Emblem HD - What do you think of this?

If you find these tips of interest let me know, if not this will be the last one.

I just checked, I now have 550 iPad apps ready to go for the 3G, so it will take awhile sorting through all of them to find the gems vs the garbage.

4phun, Keep it up. Thank you for posting these. I have downloaded most of them. I wouldn't have found them if you hadn't brought them to out attention. Thanks again


550 REALLY? How many can it hold? I think I down loaded like 30 and was worried about that.

Depends on what memory size you bought. But the iPad can hold thousands of apps.

In OS 3.x you must use the finder to locate apps in excess of 220.
Say you need that news app but can't find the emblem to launch, just slide to search and type news and look at the results. Most of the time I need to type only two letters to see my choice. I haven't tried it yet, but the new Google app for the iPad allows you to search the iPad for apps by just using your voice -SLICK.

But I do not intend to put that many on the iPad at any one time. I have a system for loading only may main apps plus a handful of test apps at any one time. It takes advantage of some features of iTunes and multiple windows when it comes to loading the iPad or iPhone.

More about that later after I have had a chance to play with the 3G for several days.

For now I would love some one, anyone to download and test an app for me. I have read the hype and I have got to know what it does.


If the hype is right this will not remain free for very long.
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