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iPad 3G Support Group Thread

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Ok, I'll b the first to ask who is tired of their iPad and maybe even regrets spending the money on it? I will answer after I receive some comments on my post. Thanks to anyone who answers.
No regrets here!! The more I use it the more I like it. Currently in Chicago on a business trip (first business trip with the I-pad) and have used it for numerous functions. Frickin love it!!i:comingsoon:)
Ok, I'll b the first to ask who is tired of their iPad and maybe even regrets spending the money on it? I will answer after I receive some comments on my post. Thanks to anyone who answers.

I'm loving this thing. I'm so glad I waited for tHe 3G model. I took it on a business trip for the first time this week and it was so nice to have for books, email, checking the weather, looking up restaurants, MP3s, sharing pictures.... I could go on and on, but I think it's the instant access and convenience that makes it so much better than my laptop.
Ok, I'll b the first to ask who is tired of their iPad and maybe even regrets spending the money on it? I will answer after I receive some comments on my post. Thanks to anyone who answers.

Why do you ask this question?

I just love mine and wondered if there was anyone that didn't. I learn something new about it everyday!

I really like the features it has plus the all the new things I can do that I could not do before with my PC.

Being an avid reader (2-3 books/month) there is one thing that I am disapointed with and that is the bookstore whether it's Apple or Kindle that does not matter. I was HOPING it would be an inexpensive way to get books. As it turns out it actually costs more to get a book this way compared to buying it full sticker at a mall bookstore or even discounted online at Amazon. I'm sure that this is not always true but for the books I've looked up and was interested in that was the case. Seems to me that they would sell a lot more of these electronic books at .99 or even 1.99 than they will at 9.99 or 12.99 especially to avid readers like me that wind up donating most of them to Goodwill or selling them in garage sales anyway. At .99 I could just delete them and not feel too bad but I probably would never delete a $10 book. I'm hoping that as things move on that they will go down in price and the selection will increase but for now paper still is my choice.

Other than this minor complaint I think the iPad is exactly what I thought it would be and am enjoying having it. I especially enjoy the cool apps that people are putting out there you sure don't see that on the PC anymore. That's my .02 worth! :D:)
I think that the iPad is two things to many. First, it is a fun device that can do work. Second, it combines the best of smart phones and laptops. You cannot make phone calls on it, but everything else is better than on a smart phone. It is not a production device like a laptop, but for travel, it can do most things of a laptop, in a more convenient form. In truth, most laptops are more of a desktop unit that can be easily hauled between locations.
Seadog, I make phone calls on mine! iPad 3G and WiFi Phone Calling %%title%% iPad tutorials and reveiws iPad equipment and software

I think you hit the nail on the head! I get a TON of productivity out of mine. My calendars are synchronized, my documents are available, I use it to manage projects (I have a nice Project Managemetn and Collaborative tool) it serves as my project notebook.

And it will play a movie for me on the airplane without trying to flip up a screen and position a keyboard on my stomach/chest because of the seat back in front of me! ;) It's 'on' and 'off' in seconds and always connected (3G).

Good stuff.

Why do you ask this question?

I just love mine and wondered if there was anyone that didn't. I learn something new about it everyday!

I really like the features it has plus the all the new things I can do that I could not do before with my PC.

Being an avid reader (2-3 books/month) there is one thing that I am disapointed with and that is the bookstore whether it's Apple or Kindle that does not matter. I was HOPING it would be an inexpensive way to get books. As it turns out it actually costs more to get a book this way compared to buying it full sticker at a mall bookstore or even discounted online at Amazon. I'm sure that this is not always true but for the books I've looked up and was interested in that was the case. Seems to me that they would sell a lot more of these electronic books at .99 or even 1.99 than they will at 9.99 or 12.99 especially to avid readers like me that wind up donating most of them to Goodwill or selling them in garage sales anyway. At .99 I could just delete them and not feel too bad but I probably would never delete a $10 book. I'm hoping that as things move on that they will go down in price and the selection will increase but for now paper still is my choice.

Other than this minor complaint I think the iPad is exactly what I thought it would be and am enjoying having it. I especially enjoy the cool apps that people are putting out there you sure don't see that on the PC anymore. That's my .02 worth! :D:)

There are free books on Kindle and Ibook I don't know if they r the kind u would be interested in, but they r there.
I'm loving my iPad. I find that I use more then my desktop computer at home. I'm constantly finding new apps that I use and then can't live without. For example, there's one called Fatsecret that I use to monitor my diet. I would never do that without the iPad, but this app makes it easy.

I agree with Fisherman, the price of the books is too high. Hopefully in time the price will drop.
Fisherman is right those books cost a lot. I hope they will lower the price but they are competing with kindle and they're high in price to :(
I love my Paddy. I try to take it everywhere. And when I don't I regret it. Yes, I am a little lighter in the purse, by buying two, but I don't regret it. There are still so many more things that I need to learn and to do. I have so many apps that I cannot get to all of them. Next week when I have total knee replacement I think that I will have a lot of time afterwards to read books and play with apps. I have mostly played games on it. NO REGRETS!
I love my Paddy. I try to take it everywhere. And when I don't I regret it. Yes, I am a little lighter in the purse, by buying two, but I don't regret it. There are still so many more things that I need to learn and to do. I have so many apps that I cannot get to all of them. Next week when I have total knee replacement I think that I will have a lot of time afterwards to read books and play with apps. I have mostly played games on it. NO REGRETS!

good luck with the knee surgery!!! luckily you will have plenty to keep you occupied while fiddling around with your iPad and all the apps you have.
Anxious is the word for the month. I've bought all my neoprene bags and screen protectors and now waiting for it to arrive...the waiting is killing.
Waiting is a bi..h

Worth the wait...that size did you order?
So far I have the apple case, OK for now, an incase "netbook" sleeve in hot pink that keeps my paddy safe in my purse....I take my iPad everywhere, an SGP Crystal screen shield, which went on so easy.
I love this thing, still love my MacBook Pro too but my iPhone screen seems way too small now LOL.
Best of luck, hope your delivery date is soon....my husband was actually chasing a fedex truck down the street on our delivery day....but it was the wrong fedex truck LOL..
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