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iPad and travel external HD

...or, just buy more memory cards, they are the cheapest storage. We dumped 4500 pics ( mostly 8 to 15 MP jpg's ) on our 32 last year. Along with a few movies and a bunch of books. No prob. In fact still have the images on the cards. Plus if you are vacationing in civilization, you can always get them burned to a disc at a Walgreens!
Hi why don't you use an online back up service like dropbox iDisk or even piccassa to upload your pictures on to. That's what I do when I'm away. From my dslr to my iPad keep some that I like on the iPad and upload the rest to dropbox and then when I get home they are automatically synced to my desktop.
What type of phone do you have? It turns out I already have a solution for myself and I didn't even realize it :)

I have a Nokia N8 phone. It has USB host capabilities. I can connect USB hubs, thumb drives, card reader or an external HD with included cables.

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