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iPad charger


iPF Noob
I I bought an original charger to my iPad but it's charging so slowly so I leave it all the day and night and it only charges 17/100 what should I do ??
Help me guys please!
Thank you :)
When you say original, do you mean it is a genuine Apple Ipad charger? If not you may have bought an iPhone charger but even then it should be charging more than this in the time you have said.

When you say you leave it, I assume you're not using it? Do you have it on at all? I'm trying to find a reason it could be using charge. Try switching to another power outlet in case the one you are using is defective. If this makes no difference I would return the charger as it is either defective or only suitable for an iPhone or both.
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Yes it's from apple and not for iPhone I tried everything u said but nothing worked I use it when it's on charger then I went to different house and it did the same thats weird I'll return it ur right
Thank u very much :)

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